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Val's POV

The sun was setting over the paddock in Bahrain and I was having a coffee in the dining area while watching the testing live. Seb was topping all the time sheets and I smiled feeling so proud of him. I was watching the screen carefully when suddenly Daniel popped his head in front of my face.

"God you scared me Daniel!" I said placing my hand on my heart.

"Stop staring at Seb so much or you're going to start drooling." Daniel said laughing then taking a seat beside me. We started talking about each others day but suddenly someone stopped in front of us and we both turned to look up at the figure.

"Don't you two looking cosy." Hanna said with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and Daniel did the same.

"Hanna what are you doing here? Last time I checked hell was 6 feet underground." Daniel said with a straight face. I was shocked at how hostile Daniel was towards Hanna but when I saw her laugh I sensed that this wasn't the first time Daniel had fought with Seb's ex.

"That's cute Daniel but I don't think Seb would appreciate you eye fucking his girlfriend." Hanna said not missing a beat. I chocked on my coffee and Daniel patted my back trying to calm me down.

"What cat got your tongue?" Hanna said to me with a taunting glare. " I know that look and trust me Daniel that's not how you look at a friend."

"Look Hanna you need get out of here. I won't let you speak to me or friend like that." Daniel said standing up and putting himself between Hanna and I.

"Well, I just came to let you know that I won't let you have Seb. I have a feeling it won't be too hard to get him back especially after what just happened in his drivers room." Hanna said with a wicked smile looking straight at me and in that moment I felt sick. Was she bluffing? And how on earth did she already put together that I was the woman in the pictures when she said it could never have been me? I knew Seb would never betray me. Or was I a fool to believe he actually wanted me?

"I think it's time for you to leave." Daniel said firmly to Hanna but Hanna laughed and walked away leaving Daniel and I there as a tense silence engulfed us.

Daniel sat back down and grabbed my hands and shook me out of my daze. "Look Val she's trying to get into your head. Trust me when I tell you Seb would never cheat on you especially after Hanna cheated on him. Please don't let her get to you Val." Daniel said pleading with me while trying to get me to look into his eyes. I looked down to my watch and saw that it was 5pm and that Seb would still be at least another 2 hours so I decided to put on my bravest smile and squeeze Daniel's hand.

"I'm fine. Let's head back to the hotel?" I asked Daniel with a faint smile. Daniel nodded sensing that he shouldn't press the matter any further so we made our way to the motor home to grab our stuff. As we made our way towards Daniel's car I caught a quick glimpse of Sebastian heading from the garage but he seemed to also catch my gaze. I held my stare but Seb was ushered away by his mechanics and I was stood there alone yearning for him. Daniel came to my side and put his arm around my shoulder and guided us towards the exit of the paddock. We made it to his car and we both got in and soon we were heading back towards the hotel where the entire team was staying in complete silence. Daniel and I headed back to our respected rooms and agreed to meet in the lobby for a quick drink since I had dinner plans with Seb. I quickly showered and put on a pair of jeans a singlet since the Bahrain humidity was almost as suffocating as it was back in Australia. After putting on a pair of converse sneakers I made my way towards the lobby to find Daniel waiting for me. He was dressed casually in a denim shorts and a loose tee shirt that adorned his tattoos. His mop of curls were as wild as ever as he smiled his signature smile at me as I made my way towards him.

The Chef and her Driver- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now