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Valerie's POV

I woke up with the sun streaming through my apartment window. I was still getting used to my new surroundings which was far from my old apartment in Queensland. I missed my family but my passion was cooking and travelling the world to learn from the best was what I had to do in order to be where I am now.

I began getting ready and whilst making my coffee suddenly I became very conscious I would be apart of a morning briefing with team principals, higher ups, Christian and not to mention both drivers.

I shook off my concerns and drank my coffee.

"You're a mere chef and they'll probably ignore you and discuss bigger issues." I thought to myself.

I made way to my car and started my journey to work. As I parked my car I opened the car door and held my access card between my teeth and tried to find my lucky pen. I found it at the bottom of my bag and used my hip to close the car door shut.

 I looked up and heard that another car had parked across from me and three people emerged from the car and once again I had locked eyes with a pair of steel blue eyes. Sebastian eyes widened and he was suddenly aware he was in front of me. I made a swift turn and jogged into the factory. I was almost panting by the time I made it to the front door. I didn't know why I was even running. I should have at least said hi but my fight or flight kicked and I flew. I knew I would be cooking for Sebastian but in my mind I thought that the only exchanges we would have would be via email or through his trainer but never in person. I had scanned my access card and walked at a normal pace until I heard another person slightly panting. I turned around and was face to face with Sebastian.

Sebastian's POV

I was in the back seat of my car with Britta as Hekki turned into the factory. I was once again left confused and felt I had in someway offended her and her scent had taken up all my senses. I froze and couldn't form any words to say to her not even a hello. She however took her access card from her mouth and rushed into the factory trying to avoid me. I was now determined to speak to Valerie and jogged in after her.

"Hi" I said with a slight smirk after catching up to Valerie. She glanced at me panting and I wasn't sure if she was annoyed or amused.

She froze and smiled back her brightest smile amused at the fact that a 3 time WDC was panting from a slight run from the car park.

"Hello Mr Vettel." She said with a slight tilt of her head. She was very aware now that she was speaking to me and it would no longer be just via emails but she was in my very presence.

"You know me?" it was my turn to tilt my head to the side. What a stupid question.

"I would be in trouble if I didn't. I am in charge of your diet this season." Val said in almost disbelief and her nose scrunched slightly. Was I being serious right now? She had sent me my meal plan for the week of course she knew who I was.

"And your face is kind of all over this building so if anything I should introduce myself properly. Im Valerie Newan." She said sticking her hand out towards me.

I suddenly felt very out of my depths. I couldn't form a coherent sentence and simply took her hand. It was soft and her scent engulfed me and I felt like a teenage boy in front of his crush again.

Val laughed at my silent reaction.

"Do I smell?" She frowned. "My brother makes that face when he teases me and says I smell." She nervously laughed.

I now realised how strange I must have been acting and quickly came to my senses.

"Oh sorry I'm a little dazed. I know who you are. I saw you yesterday but just missed your intro to my pit crew. I look forward to working with you and seeing you around the factory. No, you don't smell you smell just right." I said in one breath and realised what I said at the end mentally face palming.

Valerie laughed and it made me smile. It was like music to me ears. How could she make me feel so at ease and nervous at the same time?

"Well, I'm glad I smell just right. How was the meal prep I sent over? Any changes you would like me to rectify?" She asked in a very professional manner. She could tell I was embarrassed so she tried to shift the conversation into a work related topic.

"It was perfect. I'm impressed you managed to avoid carrots for all my meals and still have enough vitamin A within the whole program. Consider my trainer a fan of yours." I nervously replied while scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh that's wonderful to hear! I have a nephew who hates carrots too so I'm a pro in that department." She replied and relief washed over her.

I was internally squirming at the fact that this wonderful woman now knows that I a grown man hates carrots.

"Are you off to the morning briefing?" I asked her.

"I am! But I don't have a clue on how to get there." She bashfully answered.

"I'll show you I'm also heading there now." I said and gestured for her to follow me.

We both walked in silence for a few meters.

"So how do you like it here?" I broke the silence first.

"It's cold and wet. I'm from Australia so anything below 20 degrees is cold to me." Val giggled.

"How has your break? Did you try anything new?" Val asked and she blushed as she realised our close proximity.

No one has ever asked me how my time off from the season was. It was always about if I could win another WDC or if I had a girlfriend. It was refreshing to have someone ask simply how I was and what I'd been up to.

"Actually I started to hike again. It helped clear my mind. It's been an intense season it was exactly what I needed." I replied honestly. We both arrived at the conference room and Val realised she hasn't been paying any attention on how to get there.

"I was not paying attention to which corridors it takes to get here so next time getting here will be fun." She admitted.

"I guess I'll have to show you again." I shyly said to her.

Valerie seemed nervous that she was causally talking to me. "I couldn't burden you mr Vettel." She said.

I laughed and shook my head in a playful manner" Oh no please call be Sebastian or Seb. Mr Vettel is my father."

She nodded and we both entered the conference room. No one had arrived yet so Val sat at the back of the room. Her eyes widened when I sat down next to her along with Britta. Val took out a note book out and her lucky pen. Other people began filling the room and soon enough Christian entered and the briefing commenced. It was an outline of events before winter testing would begin. There would be a formal ball before the away team would be leaving for the winter testing.

"Which brings me to an exciting announcement. Our motor home will now have its own dining quarters so we won't have to share with other teams. Give a warm welcome to Valerie Newan who will be the head chef for our away team." Christian suddenly announced and Val looked up with her pen in her mouth to 20 sets of eyes on her including mine. I was distracted by Valerie's pen in her mouth. Her lips were parted in surprised and I realised what Christian had just said. This meant Valerie would be travelling to races with me. My heart did a somersault from excitement and nerves. I would be seeing her a lot more and on race weekends too.

Valerie smiled and did an awkward wave to everyone in the room. During this entire time Britta had been observing me. Me her driver was suspiciously quiet and was not my usual cheeky self. She had a feeling it was because of the new team member sitting next to me. I had not been remotely interested in relations since my public break up with Hanna. What surprised her more was for the first time I was actually listening to the entire briefing. Britta will definitely keep an eye on this new relationship.  

The Chef and her Driver- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now