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Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying this so far. I have been so busy with work so this is just a little filler chapter. Let me know what you think so far xx


Seb's POV

I was sitting on the hood of my car waiting for Val to come home from dinner with Daniel. I headed over as soon as she texted me that they were leaving the pub. I was in my cozy sweats and a red bull hoodie since I was planning on sleeping over at Val's place tonight. As I was waiting for them to arrive I couldn't contain my nerves since it would be the first time I would be sleeping with Val let alone at her apartment. It would be a stepping point in our relationship and just in time for winter testing where I was hoping to ask her to share my hotel room. I was lost in thought but was taken out of my trance when I saw headlights pull into the complex. I looked up and to see Val getting out of her car followed by Daniel who went to give her a hug. I immediately walked towards them and as soon as Val was in reaching distance I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to my side. I knew I may have looked childish but I didn't care, Valerie was my girlfriend.

"Daniel." I said with a curt nod.

"Hey Seb." He replied with a cheeky smile.

"Well, before you lied to me about Val being the woman in the picture with you and then proceeded to ask what my plans were for the rest of the night but I have a feeling you knew all along." Daniel said cheekily earning him a nudge in the ribs from Val. I knew that he made the realisation from my behaviour prior in the day and I had an inkling that Val would mention that we were together. It made my chest swell with joy that she told Daniel we were together and that she didn't hide that fact from him.

"I was just making small talk and plus you were with your team so I didn't want them to find out but I'm assuming that you know about Val and I now. We are keeping things private for the time being so if anything gets out Ill be hunting you down." I said half joking.

"See what I mean by him keeping things private." Daniel said looking at Val making me wonder what they had said about me during dinner.

"We have nothing to worry about plus I know way too much about Daniel so unless he wants his embarrassing stories to make the headlines then we have nothing to worry about." Val said nuzzling into my neck. Daniel faked a gaging sound at us being affectionate to which Val gave him the finger.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Daniel but I'd like to take my girlfriend inside now." I said still hugging her and pulling Val towards her apartment. We both stood and watched Daniel drive off into the night leaving us standing in the dark. I couldn't hold it in anymore and pulled Val into a deep kiss slipping my tongue in and gently biting her lip. She moaned slightly and hummed into my mouth which made me twitch down there. I had to pull away before things got too heated since we were outside in public and as much as I wanted to take her right then and there I didn't want our first time being on the hood of my car but the thought of that only made me harder.

We both blushed at how heated that kiss made us and both decided it was time to head inside. We walked up to her door but before she entered her code she turned around to me and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Since you are my boyfriend I should let you know my code into my apartment but I'll only tell you if you promise not to laugh." She said trying to pull a serious face but I could see her grinning.

"I promise not to laugh." I said holding out my pinky finger.

"Okay it's 2662." She said giggling.

I didn't understand how that could possibly be something to laugh about but then it clicked.

"The passcode to your place spells boob?" I said in complete amusement and doubled down in laughter holding my chest.

"See I knew you would laugh! Look it was a running joke when I lived back in Australia with my friends and it kinda stuck without me knowing and I've always used the same passcode for all my apartments that I've lived in." She said with a cheeky grin putting in her vulgar passcode and letting us into the apartment. As soon as we entered the warm scent of vanilla filled my senses and the dim lighting set the mood. Val made her way into her bedroom and I followed behind her like a lost puppy. It was the first time I had ever actually stepped foot into her intimate space which gave me butterflies. She put her had bag on her vanity and sat down taking her earrings off and I took the opportunity to step behind her and bend down to plant kisses slowly down her neck. She leaned into my kisses and brought her hand into my hair gently urging me to continue. I continued kissing her slowly down towards her collarbones and she was now facing me and pulled my face towards her connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.

"We should get a ready for bed." She said looking like an absolute angel. I nodded and both made our way towards the bathroom and Val took off her makeup and I could tell she was getting shy but I pulled her into my chest and stroked her now bare face.

"You are beautiful with or without makeup okay. Don't hide from me silly." I said prying away her hands from her face.

"I adore you Seb." She said holding onto my hands. In that moment I felt like I had finally seen the real Valerie as if all her walls had crumbled and she had allowed herself to be vulnerable in front of me. I was falling for her all over again and we stood there without saying anything but it felt as if we had said a million things.

We stood next to each other brushing our teeth and bumping our hips into one another laughing as tried not to spit out our toothpaste. Val was still in the bathroom getting changed for bed while I stood in her room looking at the pictures of her family on her wall. She really did have a big family as I caught a glimpse at her group family photo with her standing next to her parents and then her 5 older brothers that she had mentioned before standing behind them. She was smiling brightly in the picture and it must have been from a while ago since she had longer hair and had a youthful glow about her but that bright smile was still there. She seemed more care free and not as hardened as she was now. It seemed like that breakup really hurt her but it made her stronger. Val suddenly came back into the room and caught me staring at her pictures and she smiled at me but I could see sadness in her eyes.

"I really do miss them." She said coming to my side and hugging me.

"Once the season starts it'll get even harder but don't worry you'll have me to annoy you." I said pinching her sides making her giggle. She took my hand and pulled me towards her bed.

"Woah woah woah take me out to dinner first." I joked falling onto the bed on top of her and nuzzling into her neck which was becoming my favourite place.

"Oh fine then I wasn't going to wait to take you dinner but I guess you'll have to wait now." Val said as she moved away and tucked herself under the covers teasing me. I groaned into the blanket and hurriedly made my way under the covers to cuddle her. Her head rested on my chest as I pulled her close playing with her hair.

"We should get some sleep before our flights tomorrow." She said cradling my face kissing me goodnight. I nodded knowing that we had a big day of traveling ahead of us plus we had all the time in the world to be with each other.

"Good night baby." I said drawing small circles on her waist.

"Good night handsome." She said holding me tighter. We both slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of each others soft breathing and beating hearts. It was safe to say that it was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time and it was because of the girl in my arms. 

The Chef and her Driver- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now