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The dart embedded itself into the photograph that hung on the wall. The tip piercing straight into the eye of the man whose picture was staring back at the woman who had spent the last ten minutes glaring at it. 


Another hit straight to the neck. Not that she was aiming for anywhere particular.

Wren Reed smirked as she lined up her last shot, and with the swift flick of her wrist the dart hurtled and slammed straight into the head, her laugh now echoing around the office manically. "Oh if only you were really here and stood before me now...I'd ensure there was a shot that was directed straight to the heart." She told the man's picture, eyes narrowed darkly as she collected the darts, the face still recognisable even with all the holes she'd made from different rounds.

"One day Fury...one day..." she promised the picture and swayed over to her desk, perching on the edge and studying her nails. "You truly think we're going to stop just because Project Insight failed?" and laughed with a shake of her head. "Oh no, no, no...the fun's just beginning, and we'll have a better plan than last time, just you wait."

There was no doubt in her mind that SHIELD had plans of their own to come after them, but really Hydra had already won when it came to infiltration. Some of their best were leaking information back to them, however nothing was particularly standing out to her or Steve. Wren had watched him pace, ponder, rage. Steve's mood changed just as quickly as the seasons. She could handle him at both his best, and at his very worst having seen both sides.

There was a knock at the door and Rumlow stood there awaiting confirmation to enter. "Sorry to interrupt Madame..." 

Whereas Steve's office was up in the privacy of the apartment, her own was located on the same floor as Alexander's. This gave her the opportunity to let everyone know of her presence and that she was always watching...

Wren gestured to one of the plush leather seats in front of her desk. "Come in and sit down Brock."

Rumlow closed the door behind him and sat down where she'd directed. "You wanted to see me?"

Time to get straight to the point. "How did the meeting with the Captain go?" She eyed him, wondering whether she'd have to graciously fuck the information out of Steve later on. "Any updates that I should know about?"

"I would have thought that the Captain would have spoken to you about them already, Madame..."

Wren snorted. "I haven't seen him all day, so you're going to tell me." Smiling sweetly at the Strike leader. 

Rumlow shifted in his seat. "SHIELD may be onto us, but they still don't know whether any of our agents have infiltrated them. If I'm honest there's more of us in SHIELD than there are their own agents. So that's something that's working in our favour."

"It's not enough Rumlow, you need to give me something better than that." Wren pushed herself off of the desk and put her hands on his shoulders as she came to stand behind his chair. "We can't afford to be exposed any more than we already have." Hissing in his ear.

Brock nodded in agreement. "And we won't Madame, I can assure you that we'll take them down. We need more time and intel though."

"The Captain doesn't have the patience for 'more time' Rumlow." Wren went back to perch on her desk, crossing one slender leg over the other. "Lucky for you I'm a reasonable woman...did you say the same thing to him as you've just told me?"

"Yep, and he said just what you did. He doesn't want us wasting time."

"Then I will speak to him. Time may be of the essence but we're not gonna fuck this up a second time." Wren stared at him. "You and your team are our best, and I know you'll get us what we need – Hydra have bided their time for decades, what's another couple of months?"

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now