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The ring of Steve's cell filled the apartment while he sat actually 'relaxing' for once. If you could call waiting for destruction relaxing. He'd taken to reading a book while anticipating when Rumlow and Zemo would be done with their work.

And it wouldn't be too long at all.

Glancing at the screen he saw Bucky's name flash up.

"Buck..." He answered, putting the phone to his ear.

"Congratulations pal..." Bucky's voice came right back. "You might wanna see the breaking news. I can tell that you've been avoiding switching on the TV."

"Wren's a little too excited at the prospect of genocide, so I made her go choose someone who looks like they're not working as they should and whip them to within an inch of her life. It's keeping her busy."

Bucky laughed. "Oh boy, she will like what she sees."

"How many dead?"

"Too early to tell."

"Any Avengers?"

"We wanted to really avoid that remember? Zemo and Rumlow made sure that every one of them stayed alive so they could pay for their actions. And they will."

Steve turned on the TV, seeing every channel filled with the latest live from Lagos. "What a perfect fucking sight."

"I know right...speaking of which, the Raft is undergoing some minor renovations from where we stormed it. Lick of paint here, few torture devices there..."

"Do what you need to Buck – because you're gonna be there for a while. You sure you can handle being underwater rather than in Siberia?"

"I've been in worse places, but this? It's fucking perfect. Trying to get her all done up before our new arrivals pay us a visit."

Steve nodded. "I'm going to bring Wren with me to inspect it when you're done. It's her kinda thing, and I'm sure that she's gonna love it. Honestly she's gagging to put that bullet in Fury's head."

"and she will." Bucky declared. "Do you think SHIELD are aware of Madame Hydra?"

"As far as I know from Sitwell? No. Fury thinks Wren died at my hand. He's gonna be in for a hell of a shock when her face is the last one that he'll see." His eyes kept watch on the tv screen. "Almost there Buck. Almost."

He sensed Wren's return before he hung up and turned, seeing her eyes now glued to the TV. "Is it..." she looked to him, and he nodded. "Ha! Ahahahahaha!" her shrill laughed echoed around the living room as she came to stand next to him in awe of the coverage. "Zemo and Rumlow have most certainly delivered..." She said, watching the smoking ruins of the building that had been partially destroyed. "Have we had word from them yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure they'll check in soon." Steve told her as he put an arm around her waist. "Did you enjoy your playtime?" He questioned darkly, knowing full well what her answer would be.

Her eyes lit up as she held up the broken crop and pouted. "I enjoyed it immensely, but I need something stronger. The man who is currently lying dead on my office floor broke it."

Steve laughed as he inspected the crop. It could only withstand so much. "Would a whip be more sufficient, sweetheart?" He now suggested.

She became excited her, whole body bouncing. "Would you?" Her eyes were now shining. Hed not seen her this happy in a long time.

"If it makes my best girl happy? Then that's what my best girl is going to get."

"It would make me very, very happy indeed."

He kissed her gently. "Then I will see that you have one by tomorrow." Taking her in. She always wore the Hydra crested brooch and choker that he'd given her. Perhaps a ring this time? Just to show her how special he was.

Steve sent word to an agent to fetch him the whip for the Madame and to have it sent up as soon as possible. "Wait here." He said, walking into his office and opening his safe, finding the ring that had been worn by him during his earlier days with the organisation. It hadn't proved practical when it came to missions and instead had sat in its box for years.

But now Steve was sure that Wren was ready to receive it, having pondered many times over when the right moment would be.

The moment was now.

Something to show everyone that he and the Madame were an allied force that was not to be messed with.

"Now this represents your commitment to Hydra, and to me..." he walked back out and showed her.

She stared at the ring. "Is...Steve what..." Her words a little jumbled as she struggled to realise what this would signify.

"This was given to me when I first started my work, now? I'm giving it to you. As I said, it will show everyone your commitment to the organisation and me." He took her hand and slipped it onto her wedding finger. He'd worn it on a different one so it would need to be resized, however it would compliment her far better than it had him. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." She breathed and kissed him. "You know I am committed, especially when it comes to you."

"And this will show just that."

In some ways it was kind of a 'marriage' to Hydra without the hassle, but Steve supposed that he and Wren had been technically considered by all as a married couple when he'd proclaimed her Madame Hydra.
Of course the talk had not escaped his notice. People wondering whether she was his wife or if she was simply a business partner.

"Is this your way of telling me that you love me?" Wren asked, knowing that Steve was a man who would probably never utter those three words to her. She didn't mind. Gestures like this and the gifts that he gave her made up for that. Like he was telling her in his own way. Sometimes words were just not needed.

"What do you think?"

She nodded enthusiastically on seeing his smile. "Yes..." and once again brought her lips to his own. "You spoil me, Captain."

"Because you deserve the very best, you deserve the world – and that's what I'm going to give you...the whole world at your very fingertips. It's gonna be ours to command."

Zemo and Rumlow were shown into Steve's office later that evening. Carefully placing the bioweapon in its container onto the desk, so as the Captain could take a real look at it.

"You've done well." Steve nodded to them, looking hard at the weapon and smirking. "I'm gathering you've seen the news reports."

"Every channel Captain - we wanted to make an impression." Zemo answered as Rumlow nodded in agreement at his words.

"And you did - Rumlow please take this down to the lab and have the good doctors begin their studies - Zemo...a word in private before you leave."

Rumlow took the weapon and headed out, leaving the two men to talk. "I know you are not satisfied that we have not yet had the chance to harm the Avengers..." Steve began.

"On the contrary Captain, I am confident that you have something far better in store for them. One that will bring me the closure I need."

"And you'll have it - We're tearing them down slowly and when the time comes? I am sure that you'll be satisfied, because I know that I will be as will the rest of the world." Steve told him. "You are a Baron, admired by the people who lived in your country?" He asked and Zemo nodded, "I have big plans for you - as far as I'm aware Sokovia lost its ruler in the devastation?"

"We did..."

"Which leaves the door open for you Baron - the people who admired you will listen, follow your every command. Sokovia will be under a Hydra rule, just like the rest of the world will soon be, and you? You'll be rewarded greatly."

A small smile formed on Zemo's lips. "When would you have me get to work Captain?"

Hydra needed another man on the inside with government connections, it would pave the way for their rise within the government itself, however those plans were yet to come.

"Right now."

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now