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The two boxes on Wren's desk were not hard to miss when she walked into her office a couple of days later. Black with pink ribbon and looking very presentable. One was flat and rectangular the other more elongated.

Steve was far too generous. 

Pulling the ribbon and lifting the lid on the flatter box, inside folded nicely on the silky lining was a sheer black babydoll with underwear to match. Clearly it would be ruined within the first few seconds of having it on and the note that simply stated 'Tonight' told her enough. Steve was in meetings all day, and he'd clearly need to blow off some steam.

The next box had a card attached and she opened that first. To keep our agents on their toes. Use when needed. Opening this box she saw a black riding crop – something that was prove useful when she was angry.

Now this...this was something she'd most certainly be making examples with. A weapon of her lover's choice. Sure, it was no shield, but still she could inflict pain and suffering. That was the main goal.

She whipped the crop against the door, a deafening smack as it connected with the wood was a satisfying sound.

So what about a person...

No matter, she'd find a victim later on, but for now her phone was ringing. "Yes?" She rounded the table and picked it up, flopping into her chair.

"Madame." Rumlow's voice came down the line. "Sorry to interrupt, but we've been approached by a man who is asking to meet with you."

"Abooooout?" Wren drew out with a frown.

"The incident in Sokovia – it would appear that he should like to join our organisation. Now I told him that you rarely had meetings and..."

Wren cut him off, already intrigued. "No, no – Bring him here, I will see him."

It would give her a chance to try out the riding crop if this man was disrespectful. But she was curious as to how he'd come to hear about Hydra and what he had to offer.

The collective sounds of boots on the marbled floor of the headquarters echoed through as the Strike team accompanied an unidentified man to the elevator, grouped around him with weapons at the ready.

Pressing the button, they stood in silence until the man finally broke it. his accent thick. "And you can guarantee that I shall see her?" He asked, not bothering to look around to see who in the group would answer his question.

"Just be thankful that she's making time to see you – she's a busy woman, as is the Captain." Rumlow replied, "Usually the Madame sees no one unless she asks for them."

"Hm." The man simply nodded, satisfied in his own way, and proceeded to stand in silence for the duration of the ride, until the elevator finally came to a halt on the floor that was needed.

Rumlow and the team led the visitor down the corridor to where Madame Hydra's office was at the very end. Large grand double doors standing out in comparison to the whitewashed others located on the same level. "Wait here." Rumlow told them and knocked, then walking in and closing the door.

He returned a few minutes later and nodded. "She'll see you now." and stood aside as the visitor passed through the threshold silently while Rumlow closed the door, the team standing guard outside until the meeting was over.

Wren was perched on the edge of her desk, one leg crossed over the other as she toyed with the end of the crop in her hands, barely glancing up to acknowledge the man who now stood waiting for her to speak. "So...you are Baron Zemo..." her eyes flickered up to take a look at him.

The man who stood in front of her looked tired, angry, and tortured. Clearly Hydra material. "Yes Madame..." he bowed his head. "Thank you for agreeing to see me. I understand that you are a busy woman."

"Not as much as the Captain – and I can sense that you are a man in need." She cocked her and tried to make his character out. "How did you come to learn about Hydra, Baron?" And gestured for him to now take a seat.

Zemo set himself down and looked at her. "I was a commander for a Sokovian tactical unit, a bit like your men that stand outside on their guard". He knew they were, and Wren was impressed by his observation already. "There was talk of an organisation, conducting secret experiments within the city walls. Nothing was ever proven – until the Avengers came along..." his expression darkened.

Wren nodded. This was now clearly a personal vendetta for a grieving man. She could read it on his face. "Tell me...who did they take from you?" fiddling with the crop and swishing it around, a slight 'whoosh' being made as it cut through the air. 

"My family." Zemo confirmed. "My son."

"A young child." Wren stated and saw the Sokovian man nod.

The crop whipped down onto the tabletop, Zemo not flinching once. 

A good sign. 

"Keep talking Baron."  

"My family, we were royalty – until they took it from me, they lack concern for the innocent lives that were lost that day. I can't bear to stand back and watch them being celebrated for their victories when the loss was far greater." Zemo now looked at her. "That is why I have come here. To ask to join you – I want to bring the Avengers to their knees..."

Her mouth turned up into a smile as she now walked over to him, sliding the end of the crop under his chin and lifting it so he could look up at her. "You would pledge your allegiance to Hydra?"

This man should really think carefully about his next answer, but it seemed obvious enough as to what it would be. 

"If I am not mistaken, you are aiming for the same outcome. To see that the world is rid of them?"

She nodded. "We are aiming for greater things than just that Zemo." And looked him up and down. "What can you bring to Hydra?"

"Other than a chance to succeed? I led a tactical unit. I can offer my services to yours should you wish. After all, it is what I know as well as planning."

"And you are a good shot?"

"I would require a volunteer to prove that."

taking the crop away from under Zemo's chin, Wren called Rumlow in and told him to select an agent and bring them to her. With a nod he left and returned within fifteen minutes. The agent looking from the Madame to Zemo.

"Rumlow...the baron may need to borrow your weapon."

Brock handed the sniper rifle to Zemo who quickly put a bullet right in the middle of the agent's forehead before they could digest what was about to happen to them.

There was a sickening thud as the body fell to the floor and Wren laughed, clapping enthusiastically. "Bravo Baron...I like you already and the Captain? Well you will be an asset to Hydra. You will have justice for your family – we will certainly see that it happens."

Zemo smiled, "Thank you Madame."

Wren turned to Brock. "He shall work with you, both of you can brainstorm, share tactics and whatever it is that you do." and then looked to Zemo. "I shall leave you with Rumlow to settle in – the Captain may want to see you when I tell him. But you'll be sent for."

"Thank you meeting with me."

"Pleasure's all mine." Wren said as she summoned Rollins in. "Might want to call for a clean up in here."

Rollins gave a stiff nod and instructed someone over his comm to come and remove the body from Madame Hydra's office and clean the blood that was soiling the marbled floor. "You can go." She waved them all away and stepped over the body on the floor, taking a seat once more behind her desk and propping her feet up on it. 

Pulling out her phone, she sent Steve a message about Zemo and sat back smiling to herself. Everything was going accordingly and with another man who she could tell was very clever, it wouldn't be long until Zemo's wish was granted. 

The vibration of the phone made her glance over and study the text that had come back. 


My office. NOW

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now