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Boots echoed around the hallways of the Raft as Steve walked through accompanied by Rumlow and his team. The Avengers had been transported to their new home and he had come over to see what the situation was. Wren had arrived just the day before

"And how are they settling in?" He asked.

"Stark's obviously playing the smartass card, Banner is in the thing we like to call the 'hulk trap' and is sedated, the witchy one is in a straight jacket to prevent anymore damage..." Rumlow stated as he followed closely behind the Captain.  "Who's your first choice?"

Steve smirked. I'll decide when I get in there.

Pressing his finger against the recognition panel, the doors slid open to the room where the cells were located. Bucky standing at the console, arms folded and was seemingly having a staring contest with Falcon. "Keep that one aside for me, I'm gonna break those wings of his." He said, as Steve came in venturing closer to the cell that Natasha Romanoff was stood in.

His lip curled. "And you're meant to be one of SHIELD's best." Steve scoffed at this. "Now look at you, tangled in your own web..." 

She stared back at him. "Wondered how long it would take for you to creep outta your lair...Fury's been trying to flush you out for years. Captain." It was obvious to her who he was. Even she'd been tasked with tracing him, but had always come up with nothing. The man was an enigma.

"Here I am..." He paced back and forth in front of her cell. "I'm sorry about your friend Clint...I was told he was taken away from here last night?"

"Doesn't mean to say he's dead." Natasha spat.

"He's with the Madame, so chances are he's not getting outta her playroom alive." He saw her face change. "What am I saying? I forgot!" He now slapped his knee, feigning ignorance,  "you've yet to meet her. You're gonna love her." He placed his hands on his belt and casually paced back and forth again. "She used to be like you y'know - righteous, wanted the best for her country." His finger came up to pause in the air. "But...she soon realised that Hydra's aim? It was a far better one..."

Nat frowned. "What do you mean? Used to be like me?"

"Oh now that would be telling - but SHIELD? They all but steered her our way, and we will certainly be forever grateful for your donation - me especially." Steve's eyes narrowed as he grinned devilishly at her. "I'll be sure to tell her that when she sees Fury, she'll send your regards."

Nat punched the glass that separated them but it was too strong, instead just making a thud while Steve watched a little unimpressed. "You could keep on trying Widow, but you're never breaking outta that cell. We did some upgrades, that thing is keeping you sealed for a while."

"What the hell are you gonna do to Fury!"

He laughed. "Oh, it's not what I'm gonna do, it's what my little bird has planned for him."

"Little bird?"

"The wife, partner, Madame - whatever you wanna see her as. But Nick Fury will be dead before the week is out, and it's gonna be by her hand." He turned and walked over to Bucky. "Bring me Stark in about a half hour - I fancy having a chat with Howard's boy, but right now? I've gotta see where my little bird is lurking."

"You got it pal." Bucky chuckled lightly and went back to watching Sam Wilson closely as Steve left the holding room.

Wilson stared back at him. "So...that's your bestie? Man you fell in with the wrong crowd."

"If you don't shut up, I'll make sure that you never talk again." Bucky answered through gritted teeth.


"Marvin Gaye...a good choice..." Steve said as he walked into the 'playroom' hearing the crack of the whip over 'It Takes Two', followed by the agonised groan coming from Clint Barton.

Wren spun around and beamed at him, hips swaying from side to side as she danced to the beat of the song and beckoned him over with the wag of her finger. "I wondered when you'd come join in the fun darling." She pressed her lips to his once he'd got to her, tongue invading his mouth and dancing around his own. "Mr Bullseye here looooooves a little bit of music to add to the mood - don't you?" She called back over her shoulder.

Clint Barton, who was strung up by his wrists in shackles looked up from where his head hung, body weak, bloodied, and bruised from the beatings and torture that the Winter soldiers and the Madame had given him over the course of the last night. "Yeah...reaaaaal fucked up kink." His sarcasm came while he breathed through the pain. He was pretty sure a couple of ribs were broken. "And it's Hawkeye!"

"Whatever." Wren brushed it off, not caring what what the hell his name was anyway. He'd be dead soon.

"I'm surprised that you kept him alive for this long." Steve chuckled and circled where Clint was hanging from. "Wrenny?" He shot her a look.

She pouted. "Yes Captain?"

"Why is he still alive?" He asked calmly.

She stamped her feet like a small child being denied their favourite toy. "Because I want to plaaaaaaay!" She whined. "I've been having so much fun! You wouldn't take him away from me just yet would you baby?"

Those little puppy dog eyes of hers made him sigh. "Fine...another hour or two won't hurt."

She jumped up and down, clapping her hands with excitement. "Thank you, thank you!"  Cracking the whip, she looked at Clint with a mischievous expression. "Let's show the Captain just how much of a good shot I can be, shall we?"

Clint groaned, "Do your worst bitch."

Wren grinned, "Is that seriously the best insult you can come up with?" Watching as Steve now punched him in the ribs, probably breaking another two if he was lucky. "Captain...calm yourself otherwise our friend here will be dead and I won't be able to have fun watching him suffer slowly."

Steve looked at Clint who still had some determination on his face. "I'll leave you and the arrow man to have a bit more fun then sweetheart, I'm meeting with Stark anyway."

Wren's mouth made an 'o' shape and she draped her arms around his neck. "Can I come? Pleeeeease?"

"What about your toy over there?" He asked

She laughed loudly, echoes sounding around the room. "He's not going to go anywhere. Plus the soldiers can watch him for me until I get back."

"Ok." Steve agreed, "but when it comes to Stark, I do the talking - you just stand there and look ravishing like you always do."

Leaning in, he kissed her hard once more and then linked her arm through his own to escort her to the 'office' where his meeting would be held.

"Let's go test just how much that arc reactor in his chest can withstand..."

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now