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Steve had woken to the news that Wanda Maximoff was now back under their control, as well as the messages from Pierce stating that the President wanted to introduce Captain Hydra to the country.

He didn't care for being paraded in front of people as someone who he was not, but he had a part to play. The more people listened to him, the most trust would be formed. He already had the President eating out of the palm of his hand.

Wren was still asleep, exhausted from their antics that had gone on right into the early hours of that morning. Her bare back faced him and now Steve gently traced his fingers down her spine, rolling over and pressing his lips to her skin. It was cool from where the morning autumnal chill had set in across the city.

Now he had a cunning plan to rouse her. Or arouse to be precise.

His hand moved around between her legs, two cool fingers slowly sliding into her.

That woke her up, just as he expected. Her hips moved gently against his hand, while his fingers continued working away at her.  "I like this wake up call..." she said sleepily as she put her hand on top of his own, making him sink deeper inside. Her satisfactory gasp as well as the fact she was already dripping wet told him enough to know that she was ready for him.

He pulled her onto her back, sucking every last trace of her from his fingers before teasing along her with the tip of himself. She arched towards him more. He shook his head and tutted at her. "Now that's not. How we play is it? Remember? I'm in control." Lightly scolding her for her disobedience.

"Just just want you inside of me."

"Not yet." His face pressed against hers, kissing her slow and deep. "Touch yourself." He told her as he pulled away.

Her hand slipped between her legs and two fingers began to dip in and out, hips grinding against her own touch.

He could feel himself harden at the sight and sensed she was beginning to get closer to her climax. Crawling over her, he grabbed her wrist, stopping her as she began to feel her climax build, pulling her hand up and bringing her fingers to her mouth. "Taste yourself." He ordered.

She opened her mouth and sucked them clean, just like he had done minutes before. "Don't make me wait..." She whimpered.

With a light laugh, he sank fully into her. "You've missed me, I can tell." He smirked, even though they had been in the same position just hours before.

"I always miss being full of you." She told him, hips moving against his own until finally picking up a pace that made the coil inside of her tighten a little more.

His arms slid underneath her and pulled her up and
onto him, Wren moaning, the new position making her ache as she slid back down onto him.

Fuck, she felt so tight around him that he was sure he'd explode at any given moment. "Because you were made for me, that's why." He growled and began to circle her clit with his thumb as she moved up and down on him slowly. She was on the verge on coming, and he was going to ensure that his best girl got what she wanted.  Just moments later she was tensing around him, causing him to release hard into her while she soaked him and his hand. "See?" He looked smugly at her.

Wren kissed him breathlessly, then burying her head into his neck, placing light kisses against his skin.

She was exhausted, Steve could tell by just how she'd laxed against him. He had to admit that sometimes a slow and sensual fuck did make more of an impact depending on the situation. Now had certainly been one of those times.

Once he'd laid her down, he got up. As much as he would have liked to keep her satisfied all day, things were now going to be busier, and there were some messages from Alexander that he'd need to reply to. There would also be the move to Triskelion within time but for now? Steve was more than satisfied with the progress that had recently been made.

Wren watched him when he emerged from taking a shower and smirked. "I wish I'd have joined you now."

"Would you have even been able to move?"

No. No she would not. Even he knew that just from how weakened she'd felt earlier.

She shook her head sleepily, her head was in a spin and her whole body ached furiously. "Not really, but I should really get up soon. I have to pay a visit to an old friend."

Steve nodded. "Ah yes...are you sure you don't need me to come with you?"

"I'll be fine. Once the job is done then we'll have no worries." She gingerly tried to sit up as he leant down and looked at her, holding her up as she almost collapsed against him.

"No. Not today." He ordered. "You're tired, I can see it in you - you've over exerted yourself sweetheart, I did tell you not to get too excited when we were on the Raft."

Wren scoffed at this. "Perhaps I have been overdoing it lately, but all for good reason and cause!"

He chuckled and kissed her head. "Captain's orders, stay in bed for today and rest. Your friend can wait until tomorrow." Finishing getting dressed, he looked back at her as he made for his office. "Be a good girl."

"I'm always a good girl, Captain - especially for you."


Feeling far brighter the next day than she had done the day before, Wren sat in the car at the side of a deserted road. It was the middle of nowhere and perfect for what was about to come. Her eyes eventually spotted another car pulling up behind hers in the rear view, and her hand found the gun that was in her pocket.

She got out, rounding the car and seeing two of the winter soldiers restraining Nick Fury.

His eyes fell onto her. "Motherfucker..." he said to himself slowly.

"Hello Nick." She grinned and gave him a little wave. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Agent Reed, what the fuck is going on?"

Wren tutted at this. "Agent? Oh no, I haven't been that in a long time. I'm now known as Madame..."

At the mention of the name, recognition crossed his face. "Madame Hydra, you can't be serious Reed."

"Oh I'm serious Nick, thanks to you and your assignment that you sent me on, I had a better offer, and a promotion in fact." She looked at him. "You did me a real favour."

"You've been compromised..."

Wren smiled still, "The Captain has taken great care of me, he chose me, little old me to be his companion, his partner. And I owe him a hell of a lot."

"All that time...you knew exactly who he was and you chose to betray SHIELD. Betray me..."

"It was an easy choice to make." Wren smirked. "And I would always choose the Captain above everything and anyone else."

Fury said nothing for the moment. "So what are you gonna do? Your little Hydra minions have dragged me out here, and I'm gathering this is gonna be the last place I see?"

"Very observant." Wren told him and pulled out her gun. "Big changes are coming Nick, for the better, your Avengers are locked away, in our facility, SHIELD is gone and now Hydra are moving forward to 'protect' the world...as approved by the President himself. So now all that needs to be done is eliminating our threats - starting with you."

She raised the gun and pointed it to him.

"Captain Hydra will be the death of you, Reed." He stated.

"I'd rather him than anyone else. At least I know he'd do the job right." Wren shrugged without any care. His words didn't have any effect on her. Nothing did. There was barely anything left to feel these days. She was just cold and perhaps heartless. Boy did it feel good. "Any last words?"

Fury looked up at her as the winter soldiers pushed him down to his knees. "I hope you get everything you deserve coming to you." He glared up at her.

"Oh but I have? Everything and more. I'm sorry Nick, but this is how it just has to be."

"So cut the crap and just get it over and done with."

"As you wish." She smirked, finger on the trigger.

The only sound that followed was the gunshot, that rang as clear as day through the air.

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now