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"You're pacing." Wren stated as she stopped Steve from walking back and forth across the same spot that he had been for the last ten minutes. Sliding her arms around his waist and rendering him unable to continue. "You're too impatient for your own good sometimes."

They were awaiting word from Rumlow about the outcome of the UN mission and patience had never been in Steve's vocabulary- this time was no different either.

"I can't help it. This has to go right, otherwise my shield is gonna be drenched in blood if they fuck this up for us." He half growled, referring to Rumlow and a few others that had taken on the task of transforming into the Avengers through their use of prosthetic veils.

Wren looked up at him. "And it will be fine. I can feel it." Stroking his beard in an attempt that her touch would help to calm him. "Rumlow and Zemo haven't failed us yet."

"If they do then they'll know about it."

"Steve...we will have this moment. We've waited long enough. This time next week we will be seen as the leading organisation in world security, shield will have fallen, and the Avengers locked away for me to play with on the Raft." Her lips gently met his.

He leant his forehead against her own. "Hydra have wanted this since the war...it was his actions that stopped us from achieving that."

He meant himself. His former self, refusing to even speak the name he'd been known as. People still hailed Captain America as their hero and it made him sick to know that behind the mask was his face. That it had been him that had caused it all.

No matter though, the Steve Rogers he was didn't exist anymore. The man had 'died' in the ice and he was going to right his wrongs. Starting with the UN meeting.

"Do you remember anything about him before the war? Before he became who he was known as?" She now asked. It was a delicate subject, and one that Steve could turn at, at any given moment.

"No, and I'm glad."

"Do you regret it? Being him?"

"Every damn moment."

His words were riddled with a mixture of anger and bitterness. Wren sat him down and made him a drink which he downed immediately, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Then I won't ask anymore about him."

That was the best thing she could do. All the while his knuckles whitened from the hard clenching of his fists as he tried to keep his cool.

Steve could remember a lot about the war. How he'd watched his best friend fall from a train to his death. Stopping Schmidt from his plans, taking a plane down to avoid the catastrophic events that could have been. Hydra had done him a favour by pulling him out. They'd found Bucky, kept him alive. Steve owed them a hell of a lot and now he was making up for it.

Hydra would have their rise and rule.

"Come here." He pulled her onto his lap. "You're getting smarter - knowing when to ask no questions." Pushing some hair back behind her ear. "You make me feel more alive than I have felt in years."

"That was then, this is now - and you are a better man." She toyed with his hair, "Whatever you ask of me, I will do."

"Right now I want you to shut that pretty little mouth of yours and kiss me."

Leaning down, Wren moved her mouth over his own, savouring him. "Where else would you like my mouth Captain?" She breathed and settled herself astride him.

"Get on your knees little bird."


The call had come just a few hours later. Rumlow already laughing and celebrating their victory with Zemo down the line. "Well Captain, it's done. Whole place went boom and as a bonus? We killed the King of Wakanda in the process. The CIA are already on the case hunting down every member of the Avengers. The President has made a statement saying that this is the last straw. They're gonna be locked away - they're practically giving the group gift wrapped to us!"

Steve's lip curled.

They'd succeeded. They had actually done it. Ok, none of the group were in custody as of yet but they would be.

"When you get back go straight to the Madame's office. We will be waiting for you. Good work Rumlow, you and your team will be commended for what you have done today." and he put the phone down.

Walking out of his office the apartment was silent. "Oh Wrenny!" He called out, knowing she was lurking somewhere, most likely the bedroom where he'd left her an hour or so earlier to get some work done - preparations needed to begin for the new era of Hydra and Steve's mind was alive with plans.

As expected, she poked her head out of the bedroom, looking excited. "Is it done?"

The anticipation was killing her.

"It's done." He laughed as she ran out and into his arms, giving him a hard and long kiss to celebrate. His hands pushed her hair back so as he could grab her face and kiss it more. "Wanna take a look at the news channels?"

She shivered with excitement. "Oooooh you know I love it when I watch the destruction that we've caused, put it on!"
Wren was all but bouncing now, and Steve turned on the TV. There were interviews with eyewitnesses, footage showing the group making their getaway from the scene. It was everything that Steve had hoped for and more. "Rumlow and Zemo are geniuses." Wren now laughed, cracking open some champagne and pouring them each a glass. "This causes for a celebration my love."

Steve took the glass from her and smirked. "To us, and to the beginning of a new world - Hail Hydra"

"Hail Hydra."

Toasting to their success, they both drank the champagne and watched on Wren giggling to herself while her eyes were glued to the TV. Steve glanced over at her, a smile on his lips. "Playtime soon little bird, I know you're getting bored."

She sighed and put her glass around, snaking her arms around his neck and looking up at him. Her eyes were cold, dead and yet he could see the thrill within them. "But it will all be worth it." Wren now told him, lips teasing lightly over his, nose slightly touching his own. "We will hear from Alexander soon enough and then Hydra can finally make themselves known to all as the newest 'protectors' of the world. Shield is already crumbling before our eyes."

Steve kissed her forehead. "Rumlow and Zemo are expected back soon, we need to meet with them and discuss the next move."

It was like a never ending game of chess, the moves could go in any direction, but there was always the threat of being knocked off of the board. However their moves had knocked their opponents from the board.

The game was all but won.

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now