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She was giving him the silent treatment. A typical woman in Steve's opinion. If all else failed? Just don't talk, simple as that. He had come up to the apartment and seen she was lounging in a chair, reading a magazine and drinking some wine. Only making eye contact once as he passed.

He could see the marks he'd left on her neck from where he had grabbed her by it earlier. They were bruising, and there was no doubt that she would try to cover them tomorrow with a scarf or something. There was a meeting with Alexander and Sitwell, and she always liked to look presentable.

"So that's your big plan?" He broke the silence as he crossed the room, pouring some brandy into a glass and adding the usual ice.

On the rocks.


"You're just gonna sit there and not talk to me." Steve already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from her - or not in this case. As he was met with nothing he shrugged have it your way little bird." and downed the brandy, pouring another in its wake. "I did warn you before sweetheart, but you just never fucking listen do you?"

His feet took him to her, crouching down to the level that she was at and snatching the magazine away, chucking it over his shoulder. "Look at me!" He ordered. Wren didn't flinch but slightly turned her head to meet his, eyes locking. "I just want to give you a polite reminder that you can threaten death on me all you want, but you forget - I'm a fucking super solider!" He spat. "You so much as try to wrap those little fingers around a knife or even my own neck? You'll be dead in seconds - you've seen just what I'm capable of. You! You were treading on thin ice before you chose this!" He raged "You chose it Wren! You chose all this! You didn't have to but you did!"

With a disappointed sigh and shake of the head he got to his feet and walked to the window. "We have the potential to do great things..."

"So why will you not let me?"

"Because I can..." Steve looked back at her darkly, his tone to match. She was staring at him, her expression vacant. No upset showed, no fear. Nothing. She was just as dead inside as he was. "You belong to me - which means you do as I say, you heed every little fucking word that comes out of my mouth."

Steve didn't know how many times he would have to repeat it to her, but he hoped that this would be the last time. Earlier he'd had such an urge to just watch the life drain from her, instead he'd held back. A rare thing for him to even do in that state of mind. Somehow in his angered state Wren still had some kind of hold over him - preventing him from inflicting any kind of torture that was intentional towards her.

He wasn't sure what to feel about that, however if she needed to be silenced then he'd do so.

Whatever it took.

"Come here..."

Enhanced hearing told him that she was - her steps light without her usual heeled boots on. A normal person wouldn't have been able to hear her barefooted on marbled tile, but he could. 

He could hear and sense her every move. 

She appeared beside him, and he slid his arms around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder while they both looked out over the city. "If I want you to know intel, then I will have someone give it to you." He started. 

"I know..." 

Wren closed her eyes, embracing the hold he had over her. 

"So why are you fighting me about this?" Steve asked in a far softer tone than usual. Her head leant to the side to rest against his, while he placed a small kiss on her shoulder.  She was intoxicated by him once more. "Don't fight me birdie, you of all people know that it won't end well." His voice was like butter as his kiss trailed across her shoulder. 

She nodded silently. 

"Do you promise?" 

"Yes..." She breathed. She couldn't stay mad at him, and he was the same with her. "I'm sorry..." 

Turning her to face him, Steve pushed some of her hair back behind her ear. "It won't be long, and once we have what we want, things will be so much different. This country? It's going to be a far better place under our governance than the one we have now. You know of, and have seen the corruption. It can't carry on - especially with SHIELD and the Avengers in the picture."

His mouth brushed over against her own, tongue slipping its way in and moving in sync with her own. Steve's arms tightened around her while her body melted against his own. Lost in his kiss. 

Lost in him. 

"Am I even allowed to have an opinion?" She breathed as she broke apart from him. 

He looked at her. "Your opinion matters, however you know that your job is to keep things in order here. I take care of everything else. Wren..." 

She looked up at him. 

"Never challenge my authority again. Do I make myself clear?" 

Wren wasn't stupid - yes she'd had a momentary slip earlier, thinking that she could at least have some kind of influence. But now it was clear that like everyone else who worked for this organisation, she had to follow Steve's orders just like they did. 

It was a matter of life or death with Hydra, and sure, Wren had a hell of a lot more privileges than others when it came to pulling the strings and seeing that the headquarters was run to Steve's satisfaction, but there was still the risk of it all being taken away with so much as one blow from his shield. 

She did not fear him, nor did she fear death - however she would have to play all of her cards and to the best of her ability. Even if meant that she was not able to hold any influence over him whatsoever. Wren loved him, would take more than a bullet for him - whether he would for her remained unknown. 

Now she nodded to him,   "Yes, Captain." 

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now