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Alexander Pierce listened as the meeting was called to order by General Ross. The World Security Council meeting with other officials to discuss the recent events in Lagos. "They need to be under government supervision." Ross stated as he stood and walked around the table, hands clasped behind his back. "Countries are signing the Sokovia Accords in agreement to it. SHIELD should have no ownership over people who cannot even protect civilians! Even the organisation itself is failing in its duty! Lord, Howard Stark would be turning in his grave if he could see just what it has become!"

Pierce nodded in agreement. "You mentioned in your email a UN meeting..." he wanted to get to the point and see just how they could make this work for Hydra to make their presence known as the worlds saving grace.

"Ah yes, it'll be to discuss the Accords and pass them, what is more? Wakanda have signed..." Ross now announced to everyone. 

"Wakanda..." Now this was an interesting turn of events. "Only now have they decided to get involved?"

"When comes to the security of the world then yes, they lost some of their people too."

Pierce now interjected. "How many countries have signed already?"

"One hundred and seventeen..."

"And it will place the Avengers under UN Authority to act when they're needed?"

Ross nodded. "Yes. The conference will be held in a couple of weeks. I delivered the accords and the news to the team as well as Nick Fury at their compound today. The group disagrees with our decision strongly, and a hell of a lot of anger was shown in that room. But they need to be held accountable for their actions. It's for their own good as well as the safety of civilians."

The cogs in Pierce's mind were working in overdrive.

This was perfect.

"Will the Avengers be attending this meeting?" He had to be sure before he reported back to the Captain about all of this.


Even better.

Pierce had expected something like this and apparently the Captain did have a plan of some sorts in his head, now with confirmation it would be set into motion. Pierce didn't have a clue what he had instore. The Captain never really mentioned anything unless it was essential.

"Well then...send us the information, of course none of us can be present however via satellite link would be better if the UN really need to call upon us for our input."

"The details are already finalised and sitting in your inboxes." Ross told him. "They will have you linked so you can watch as it is passed."

Pierce sat back, flexing his bad hand underneath the table to feel the slight use he had left of it. "We are going to have some very unhappy Avengers on our hands."

"This was of their doing. So we need to do what we must to make sure no one else is caught in the crossfire and to put the public's mind at ease."

Once the meeting was finished and the confirmation of the UN meeting in writing, Pierce got into the back of the waiting car that would take him straight to headquarters, pulling out his phone and waiting patiently for the Captain to answer.

"Tell me you have good news Pierce." The smooth baritone voice said without so much as a hello. The Captain didn't do 'hellos', he was more prone to 'goodbyes'.

"I do...we have a date for the UN conference – I'm on my way to you now."

He heard the Captain laugh. "Perfect. I'll be waiting." And then the call ended.

Pierce made his way straight up to the apartment where the Captain was bound to be and walked in, looking around but not seeing him. "Captain?" he called out and then saw Wren emerge from an adjourning room, looking him up and down.

"Hello Alexander, how's the hand?" She smiled pleasantly.

"Healing." Pierce nodded to her, knowing it was best to just keep the conversation brief. In truth he wanted to keep all function in the other hand. "I'm here to see the Captain."

"He's in his office. I'm gathering that he's expecting you?" After all, it had been a while since he'd visited, and for good reason too. Wren could tell he was wary of her and she loved it. Maybe now he realised that he would have no control over what she did. 

Another nod. "I've come straight from the Accords discussions."

Wren pondered on this news. "And they were pleasing?"

"I believe that you and the Captain will be very pleased, Madame." Anything to keep her in a good mood. Pierce had now learnt never to underestimate the woman. She was as sharp as Captain Hydra was, both a good and bad thing in his opinion.

Steve appeared in the doorway of his office. "Come through Pierce." And then shot a look to Wren. "You too little bird."

"Can I bring my whip?"

"Do you think you'll need it?"

"Perhaps." She pouted, watching while Pierce walked through, obviously hearing what she had just said.

He laughed. "Bring it then." And turned to Alexander as he waited for their conversation to end and for their own to begin. "New toy." Steve confirmed. "It's bringing her a lot of joy –  but others? Not so much."

Wren walked in, whip trailing along behind her and then closed the door, lounging across the chair in the corner, whip lazily hanging from the grip of her hand. "I can't promise that I won't use this." Her eyes fell onto Alexander and stared coldly at him.

"Wrenny..." Steve warned with a smirk. "He's here to talk about the meeting, let him at least tell us what's gone on before you decide it's playtime."

She huffed but waited for Alexander to talk all the same. "So? What happened then?"

Alexander the remembered just why he was there. "Yes, so the accords will be passed, I've sent you the email about the UN Meeting. It's next week, one hundred and seventeen countries have signed to have the Avengers under UN control, as and when needed. Your opportunity to make your next move will lie there."

"And it will be done." Steve said, looking at the information Pierce had sent. "Wakanda eh? They're actually getting involved?"

"The attack claimed some of their people working out in Lagos. King T'Chaka isn't happy."

Steve snorted. "Yeah well he won't have to worry about the Avengers for much longer, or anyone else for that matter."

"What are you planning Captain? I'm intrigued as I'm sure Madame is too?" Alexander's look fell onto Wren who had a little smirk on her lips. She could read Steve better than before and his plans were going bigger than what Hydra had already seen through.

Steve looked over to her and grinned devilishly. "In retaliation of the Accords outcome? The 'Avengers' are gonna bomb the UN Meeting."

Wren began to laugh and clapped her hands, "Tell us more! Come on baby you can't just give us that and then not elaborate?"

He chuckled. "Calm down little bird, I'll tell you. Sitwell has been able to get a hold of some of those prophetic veils. Our agents will use them so as people will think their 'heroes' have come. But then? Boom! The meeting goes off with a bang...they're seen fleeing the scene and our real friends will be arrested. That's where we will start to really step in...." he looked to Alexander. "Especially you."

Alexander laughed. "Now that is a plan Captain. I like it very much."

"If you didn't I'd have to whip you." Wren was now looking at him seriously, her laughter ceasing as soon as Pierce had spoken.

Steve now rounded the table as Pierce got up, the meeting over. "I'll be waiting for your order, Captain." The latter said and showed himself out, leaving Wren and Steve alone.

She laughed once more as he leant down and kissed her hard, whip falling to the floor with a thud as her arms snaked around his neck.

"Sweetheart, Hydra are emerging from the shadows once more. Soon? We're gonna have everyone depend on us to keep their world safe and sound." He cooed, breaking apart from her. "And that is where the fun really begins." 

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