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Wren kept her arm linked through Steve's as they made their way to the hall where the evening's dinner would be taking place. It was a formal affair, with many officials in attendance. And tonight she would be unveiled to them all. 

"How do I look?" She asked as they walked along, the echo of her heels being the only sound in the empty hallways that had seen no life since the eight pm curfew.

Stopping outside of the doors, Steve gave a small nip on her neck. "Like I can't wait to get you back to bed and fuck you right into that mattress..."

"Patience my love, you will need to have some of that tonight – even though you have very little as it is." She gently ran her hand down what she could of his beard from where some of it was covered up by his helmet. Wren wanted nothing more than to just rip it off and kiss him properly. She hated not being able to see his face. It was simply another part of her obsession that ran deep. 

Even with affairs such as this, even the highest ranking officials still did not have the privilege of seeing his face. Not unless he deemed it so. Wren had to abide by those rules and did so. After all, behind closed doors?That was the face that brought her to ecstasy night after night as it waged tyranny over every part of her body.

Everyone was already seated when the doors to the hall opened and both Steve and Wren walked in. Everyone rising in unison to now cheer the words "Hail Hydra!" as they greeted them.

All eyes were on her.

On them.

It was true that on the rare occasion they were seen together, they turned heads. Especially tonight.

They were simply an intimidating couple. Everyone could tell just by looking at them.

The two empty chairs at the head of the table spoke volumes, and now the guests waited patiently for Steve to talk as he and Wren took their seats. Hydra was very much a man's world mostly, and she could tell seeing as she was the only woman present. This made her feel all the more important. Knowing she had all that power within the palm of her hands to wield as she pleased.

"Gentleman..." Steve now spoke as he presented Wren to them. "Madame Hydra..." and pressed his lips to her knuckles while the applause rang around the room.

Immediately the first person to come up and present themselves was Baron Von Strucker. Steve knew he would be and watched with interest as he spoke to Wren and introduced himself.

"Madame...it is a pleasure to finally meet you." He took one of her hands and kissed the top of it. A small smile meeting her eye. "Baron Strucker...I am yours to serve."

Steve felt the irritability twitch inside of him but kept a firm eye on them. "Baron...I hear that you have been doing great things in Sokovia." Out of the corner of her eyeline Wren could see the Captain tensing slightly, and if the ever tightening grip on her hand was anything to go by then he was going to be very hostile to all the men who spoke to her tonight.

"Indeed. We're making great progress. You should come and see our work Madame..."

"Madame Hydra's place is here." Steve interrupted, territorial instincts kicking in. "She goes nowhere without my consent."

Strucker nodded at this. "Of course Captain, the invitation is for you also. If you have time, come and see my experiments – it shall be the dawn of a new age. What we were aiming for back when the war was raging."

"I know that – because I was there." Steve replied impatiently through gritted teeth. "Keep me informed Baron, but be on your guard. I have it on good authority that the Avengers will be looking for the Scepter, and their intention is to destroy our bases."

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now