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Steve Rogers had never been a patient man. It just never had been something he could tolerate. Some days he wished he had more of it, however on others he was glad to not possess the trait.

Today was one of those days.

He had been in his office before dawn, thinking and contemplating on anything and everything that came to mind. All of which concerned plans of how they could rid themselves of SHIELD and the Avengers. It was only a matter of time before they would once again destroy what they had worked for.

Steve couldn't allow that.

Where Wren's desire was to kill Nick Fury, Steve's was to kill the organisation altogether - but these things costed time and money. Weapons, plans...he had most but the plan itself was still forming. Fury was the easily replaceable and by another who could be just as potentially tactical.

Glancing at his watch, he noted that it was only 7am - never too early for whiskey, and rose from his chair to exit the office. Checking in the bedroom he could see the outline of his little bird still hibernating, her exposed back rising and falling contently while the sheets kept her modestly covered from the waist down. 

Sometimes Steve would wonder what she was dreaming about.

Chaos most likely. Wren was just as calculated as he was. He was jealous at just how naturally the art of manipulation came to her. The move the other week with Alexander's knife to the hand had been enough to make the man keep his mouth shut. He'd also been told that now he'd have limited mobility to that hand - Wren stating that he'd need to get used to it as she could sometimes have the same with her legs after a night with Steve.

This had been met with amusement from him. She'd come a long way already, no longer the traitorous agent of SHIELD that she had walked in as. They had taken care to erase all traces of that life, leaving only the important parts - such as seeing Fury as the enemy. Wren had wanted it, she'd chosen her side and turned her back on people who had trusted her. 

She had chosen him. 

The darkness inside of her had come naturally and that had been before the mind wiping. That was how Steve knew that she had been telling the truth when he'd stood over her, all but ready to crush her chest in with his shield. She was still the same woman, but with limited memory. Nothing else had needed to be changed and Steve didn't want to change her having finally accepted that this woman loved him, and in return he did with her. 

He had never said it though. Wren knew how he felt in her own way, and Steve didn't feel that it needed to be said out loud. He didn't do fancy declarations of love. He had never even thought that he was even capable of such a thing. To feel like he did for one woman. All the humanity had disappeared from him after the war, yet Wren Reed had been able to make him come alive in some senses. 

Pulling the door closed a little more, Steve grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was set beside the decanter that had only recently been filled, taking a swig from it and returning to his thoughts from earlier. 

His phone rang - Bucky. 

"Yeah?" He answered. 

"Morning to you too." Bucky's dry reply came down the line. "Who's already pissed you off?" 

Steve chuckled. "No one - just couldn't sleep that's all."

"Have you even switched on the TV this morning?" 

He gave a snort, not being one of these people to sit on his ass all day watching trashy daytime TV. "Since when the hell do I have the time to do that?" 

Bucky now urged him on. "Do it, news channel now - you're going to be pleasantly surprised but pissed off at the same time."

On hearing this, Steve was hesitant to even turn on the news, but did so anyway, seeing the 'Breaking News' headline running across the bottom as live images and coverage were on the screen. All of which were about the destruction of the capital city of Sokovia. 

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now