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Steve was raging.

He flipped the table over, causing everything on it to crash to the floor, his fist went straight through a glass divider as he punched it. All the while, Alexander Pierce and Jasper Sitwell watched on, having been summoned as soon as the news broke.

"Nick fucking Fury!" He roared and after finally calming down, he studied his knuckles that were now bloodied. He swung round to the two men and stared at them, eyes filled with fire. "An attack on my wife is an attack on Hydra, and me!"

He'd sent Rumlow and the team on a manhunt just hours before and was still waiting on news from them. Never in his life had he been more impatient than now. 

"How is the Madame, sir?" Sitwell asked, hoping that everything was ok.

Steve had dreaded the day that he would perhaps hear the alert. A device given to her in case of emergency when he wasn't there. As soon as it had sounded, he'd been straight to her location, seeing her bleeding out on the floor. Another trail of blood also signified that someone else had been hurt in the process.

She was clutching the wound on her side, hands crimson red as he knelt down and took her in his arms. "Wren..."

"The bitch shot me! She came out of nowhere and shot me!" She explained in the midst of pain, breathing quickly through it.

"Who?" He demanded. Whoever had hurt his little bird would be paying dearly - and in blood.

"Maria Hill..."

From that moment, it was war.

"What about Fury?"

"I shot him as he tried to make a break for the car she pulled up in - with any luck he'll be dead within the hour." She laughed weakly and tried not to focus on the pain. "The soldiers went after them, whether they find them is another thing."

He held her close as the back up arrived in the form of Rumlow and the Strike team. "Cap, what's the situation?"

"Get her back to HQ and for fuck sake keep her alive!" Steve commanded.

Steve now looked at Sitwell and Pierce, "Alive - the wound was deep but she's going to be ok." He rested his hands on his belt and walked over to the window. "But the news you've been wanting to hear for a while has come true Alexander - you're finally getting your Hydra heirs."

Pierce's face changed. "Madame is pregnant sir?"

"Yeah." Steve said bitterly. "She most certainly is."

He didn't know how to feel about it, especially when he was informed that there were two. Part of him was angered about it, but apparently even Wren had sported the same reaction.

Alexander grinned, "Well, that's some positive news from the events that went on yesterday - and is the child ok?"

"There are two...both looking ok according to the doctors who operated. It's still early days."

"You're displeased Captain?" Sitwell noted that his leader wasn't jumping for joy at the prospect of a new generation for Hydra.

"Of course I'm fucking displeased!" Steve snapped back. "This is the last thing that we wanted! We have more important things to concern ourselves with right now! Children do not fall into that category!" Calming himself again, he looked back at Sitwell and Pierce. "Right now? Maria Hill and Nick Fury are enemy number one. Fury could perhaps be dead already if Wrenny's shot was good, but Hill? She needs to be eliminated."

Alexander nodded to Sitwell who knew now was the time to leave. "We will continue this later Captain, you need to be with Madame - send her our best wishes."

"She doesn't need them." Steve grunted while the pair saw themselves out.

After they had gone, Steve ventured from the meeting room back up to the apartment. Wren was propped up in bed, resting and pale. He watched her sleep, chest rising up and down contently.

He'd almost lost her...

That feeling alone caused his rage to boil over and he clenched his fists hard. They had tried to take her from him.

No one took anything from him. That was down to him and him alone. 

"Steve?" He looked over at her and saw she was awake and watching him. "I thought you were in meetings all day? Has something happened?" Even though she was hurt, her concern still laid with him.

His loyal and obedient wife. Steve had come to accept that technically that was what she truly was. It had taken this to realise it. 

Walking over to her, he set himself down on the edge of the bed. "Everything's being taken care of."

"I want to get up, I'm bored lying here."

"You know you've been ordered not to."

She huffed and turned her head away from him. Ashamed at the situation they had got themselves into. "I'm sorry about...them..." she couldn't bring herself to say it - she'd seen the look on Steve's face when the news had been given.

"It couldn't have been avoided, not with how I am- we know that now. It's something that we will just have to deal with. It's not ideal, but we did say one day..."

"Yes but..."

"Wren - it was going to happen whether we wanted it to or not." He partially snapped, the frustration he felt at it was just as high as his anger currently was.

Apparently his enhanced state made any contraceptive null and void - it was a wonder how she hadn't fallen into her current state earlier. But it couldn't be helped, and it was just something they needed to get used to.

Either way, Steve supposed that it would finally shut Alexander up.

"You heard what the doctor said, that there could be risks - these children will be like you Steve, even they don't know how they will be - they are the first enhanced to be conceived naturally..." it would mean she'd need to be monitored all the way through, right up until the very end for fear of complications. And the chances of those were high.

He turned her head back to look at him. "The children will be taken care of once they are here. Hydra have the best doctors and scientists - we do not have to involve ourselves unless necessary. I suppose the only positive is that we are creating the new generation of Hydra."

"Our goal is different - it's not meant to be that." She stressed.

"It's something to tick off that very long list of ours then."

Wren wasn't sure whether either of them would come around to the idea of children - their own flesh and blood. She didn't feel any connection, even though they were growing inside of her - just disappointment that in some ways she had failed Steve and herself. Would they both feel anything once they were here?

The sooner it was over with, the better.

She placed her hand on his, but he took it away. "Get some rest. You need it." 


"Rest Wrenny! For gods sake just do as you're asked."  He snapped and ran his hand through his hair, muttering "I have work to do..." before leaving. 

He needed to clear his head, take his mind from what had happened and turn his attentions to the upcoming introduction that the President would be making about Hydra and himself. Steve just hoped that Rumlow would return soon complete with Maria Hill and Nick Fury (if he wasn't already dead). 

Only then would he be able to put an end to this once and for all. 

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now