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Tony was dragged in by two of the winter soldiers who sat him down in a chair, clamping his wrists and ankles to it so as he could move. Across the table, Steve sat smiling, Wren stood behind him watching intently.

"Hello Tony..." Steve finally spoke once the two winter soldiers had gone to take their guard outside of the room. "I'm glad we could finally meet."

Tony looked him up and down. "And who are you supposed to be? Some screwed up Captain America?"

Steve snorted. "That guy died years ago, heard your daddy was a big fan..."

"My dad practically created him."

"And I'll admit hands down - Howard was a genius...shame about the accident..."

Tony's face changed. "What are you talking about?" Eyes then going to Wren, "Who's she?"

"Ah, yeah - I almost forgot my manners, sweetheart, this is Anthony. Howard Stark's boy - and Tony? This is Madame Hydra..." Steve made the introductions as Wren waved, smiling sweetly from behind Steve.

"Does she talk? Or is she under your order to be gagged as well."

"Oooooooh I wish." Wren mused. "I'll make a mental note for us to try that out later." She grinned at Steve who chuckled lightly.

He looked back at Tony who spoke. "I'll ask again...what are you talking about? About the accident my parents had."

"So you do wanna know, they say that curiosity killed the cat..."

"Cats have nine lives, I've still got a lot of 'em left in me, now tell me what you know." Tony demanded.

Steve sat back and puffed out his cheeks, blowing the air from them. "Well, where should I start? The part where we managed to shoot the wheel out and crash the car? Or the good bit?"

"You killed them." It was obvious to Tony. His parents had been murdered and at the hands of Hydra.

More specifically, at the hands of this man.

"I can't take all the credit...your dad? Well he couldn't have given a rats ass about his life, he was too concerned about Maria..."

"You bastard..."

"Like I said, can't take all the credit, my winter soldier friend did most of the leg work - I just gave the order and watched on...we'll, for some of it." Steve chuckled. "My condolences though, truly."

Tony looked at him. "You call him Howard, like you knew him?" Hydra Cap seemed to have some history with his dad and he was going to find out just how. "You knew him didn't you."

Steve wetted his lips and shifted, eyes never leaving Tony with a cold stare. "I did...I've been around for a while - seen a lot of shit..."

"So? Show me your face." Tony demanded.

"You don't get that privilege..."

"Oh and crazy train behind you does?"

A fist came to slam down on the table top as Steve leant over, face close to Tony's. "I wouldn't throw around insults about her in front of me...she can do just as much damage as I can, your friend Barton isn't looking too great right now."

Tony was silent for a moment. "What's your plan then? Keep us all shacked up here and kill us off slowly? One by one?"

"Whatever it takes." Steve snarled.

Sitting back down, he propped his feet up on the table. "Did you like our little face lifts my men all had? It's was just like the Avengers were actually commuting genocide..."

"Clever trick. Looks like you got what you wanted." Tony was never one to admit defeat but in this case? They had lost, and Hydra had won...

"I'm barely getting started."

The two winter soldiers now came back into the room and seized Tony. "Good talk." Steve said while the Stark playboy was beyond trying to struggle against the two men anymore. "Enjoy your stay Stark, I'll come back and we can catch up soon!"

At the snap of his fingers, Tony was taken back to his cell.

Wren came and settled onto Steve's lap, teeth nibbling at his bottom lip. "He knows who you are. I'm sure of it."

"Let him stew over it, he's not going anywhere and we have better things to do - perhaps it may be worth keeping Barton alive - for now."

Wren threw him a scorned look, "but that's no fun!"

"Wrenny...listen to your Captain." He uttered softly, stroking her hair and then toyed with a lock of it around his fingers. "Who gives the orders?"

"You." She pouted.

"And who are you committed to." His lips said against hers.


"So be a good girl for me, and keep Barton alive just that little bit longer. You have others to play with, but I need your focus on us right now. The Raft is always here for you if you ever get bored."

Feeling his teeth sink into her neck, sucking at her skin to bring the blood under its surface, she sighed and agreed. "As you wish, Captain."

Sliding off of him, she made for the door. "I'll see you back at the apartment." And swayed off to the room where Barton was still 'hanging out' in her view.

Clint looked up as she walked in. "I know your face, took me a while to recognise it but I know it." He told her.

"Enlighten me..."

"Agent Reed...they sent you undercover months back - Fury thinks your dead..."

"Because she is?" Wren smirked. If this was how Clint Barton had reacted then she couldn't wait to see the look on Nick Fury's face when the time came to eliminate him.  

Clint looked at her. "Listen, we can help to get you away, if you get us outta here - you're an Agent, you're one of us.

Wren looked him up and down. "I'm nothing like you."

"Don't you even remember who you are?" Clint asked desperately.

The sound of her boots walking towards him were intimidating in itself, and she came to a stop in front of where he hung, looking up at him.

"I am Madame Hydra, and today is your lucky day Barton - I have orders to keep you alive."

"He's lied to you! The man behind that mask is determined to see that everyone around him is destroyed, including you."

Wren sighed, "that's the thing, never once has he lied to me. The Captain is an honest man."

"Framing us for murdering a King is classed as honest?" Clint now laughed in disbelief. "Oh boy, he's brainwashed you good! It's the only explanation."

"It is when it is a necessary act to help Hydra move forward in their goals, it's just who gets to know that information - be thankful Clint, you live to see another day, next time the Captain may not be so lenient."

She called for two more winter soldiers to get Clint down and drag him back to his cell.

"It was lovely to play with you, we should do it again sometime." She told him as he was led out.

"Don't count on it sweetheart, I'd rather die."

"Be careful what you wish for Barton! It might just come true!"

Obedience (Dark!SteveRogers AU) - 2Where stories live. Discover now