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BUZZ BUZZ. Jisung quickly grabs his phone and snoozes is alarm for the fifth time.
(5 min later)
-" Oh my god I really need to get up! I'm late!" Jisung quickly jumps out of bed getting a little woozy. He stumbles over to his drawers and pulls out the first thing he sees, a purples hoodie and black ripped jeans. When he is dressed he hurries to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face.

When he is finished he grabs his keys and his book bag and runs out the door. It is 8:20 his first class starts at 8:30.

When he gets to the front of the building he parks and starts running to the entrance but on the way he bumps hard into someone's shoulder.
-" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I have to get to class my apologies." Jisung apologized quickly looking at the brown haired, chiseled man in front of him but there was no time to stare, he needs to get to class.

When he makes it to class he plops down hard in his chair, breathing heavy, putting his head on his desk because he literally just sprinted through the school hallways. Jisung then felt a tap in his shoulder. It was his best friend Seungmin.
-" Oh hi Minnie what's up?" Jisung asks looking at his friend.
-" Oh it's nothing just checking on you. Are you okay?" Seungmin asks looking kind of worried.
-" Oh ya I'm fine just ran here and on the way I bumped into someone really hard but I'm good." Jisung answers with a smile and his hand on his sore shoulder.
-" Oh dang. What did he look like?" Seungmin asks.
-"Um he had brown hair and a pointy nose I left pretty quickly though so I didn't get a good look. Why?"
-" Oh I was just wondering....." Seungmin says with a strange look on his face. BRIIING the bell rang.

After boring class Jisung headed out. Today he was happy because he only had one class. On his way out he saw Seungmin on a bench with a blond with long hair. Jisung looked closer it seemed they were holding hands. 'Good for them' Jisung thought with a smile on his face. A bit confused why Seungmin didn't tell him.

Jisung felt a buzz in his pocket. He grabbed his phone and looked it was a text from his personal trainer. He has been seeing this trainer for so long probably a few years now. Even when he was young he has always been doing something active like boxing and martial arts. Recently he had actually been getting into knife throwing and combat with a knife, he is quite good at it. Jisung has always been a pretty muscular kid he has big muscles but still a small figure it's crazy.

The text read-

Hey I hope it's okay but I have to change our workout from tomorrow to today. I really hope that works. See you at 3:00?

Yep that will work see you at 3                                                          

Okay awesome.

(Fast forward. After Jisung's work out with Wonho)

Jisung was now on his way home from his tiring work out with his trainer. His back and legs hurt a lot. When Jisung pulled into his shity dormitory that he's been wanting to move out of for so long, and is actually looking for a place at the moment. He hopped out of his car and made it to his room. He lives on the first floor. The literal worst floor ever it is so loud and drunk people always knock on his door at 2:00 AM. It's literally hell for him.

But then he got to his room he saw a note on his door.

The note read-

Meet me at xxxx park on the benches at 12 AM tonight. See you then.

The handwriting looked familiar but it didn't phase Jisung much.
Jisung stared at the note in pure confusion but at the end decided 'Eh fuck it' and decided to go that night.

What's the worst that could happen he gets kidnapped? His life is already boring as hell and that would sure jazz it up a bit. As Jisung thought about what the hell could happen tonight he took the note off the door and unlocked it.

He walked in his room and put all his stuff down. He quickly grabbed clean clothes and walked to the shower. When he was in the shower he kept thinking about the guy he ran into. He was so god damn handsome but whatever because he would probably never see that angle of a man ever again.

When he got out of the shower he rapped his towel around his waist and looked at himself in the mirror. He had a 6 pack and linebacker shoulders, he is quite broad. You wouldn't be able to tell by just looking at him though because all the clothes he wears are baggy and never shows off his body.

He quickly stopped observing himself and put on his comfy clothes. He walked out of his bathroom and looked through his cabinets for something to eat he was starving after his work out. He found a cup of noodles. It would have to do. He walked over to his sink and put water up till the line then walked back and put it in his microwave. When it was done he broke his chop sticks apart and dug in.

When he was finished he threw everything away. It was now 7 PM. Jisung was super tired so he just set a timer on his phone for 11:30 PM and laid down to sleep.

BR BR BR. Jisung rolled over, sitting up, turning off his alarm. He got out of bed and walked over to his drawers. He just put some jeans on keeping his baggy sleep shirt. There was no purpose in trying to look good he was meeting a stranger in a park. What could happen?

But on his way out he slipped his favorite knife into his pocket just in case.

OMG hope you liked the first chapter hehe okay see ya later ❤️ sorry if there's and spelling mistakes. Heh

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