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(All the boys were now back home.)

-"Hey Ji is it cool if I change in your room?" Minho asked.
-"Yeah I don't mind. I need someone to unzip me anyway." Jisung giggled. They talked a bit more as they walked to their rooms. When they made it there Minho hurried to his room, grabbing comfy clothes. A baggy tee and shorts.

When Minho walked into Jisung's room Jisung was wiping his makeup off with makeup wipes Felix gave him.
-"Here let me help you." Minho smiled, walking over to the younger. He grabbed a wipe out of the bag, walking over to the bed and sitting them both down. He started gently removing the makeup from Jisung's face. Jisung was surprised about how gentle he was because earlier that day he was shooting multiple people. When Minho was done wiping the boys face clean Jisung stood up and grabbed another wipe. Since he was grabbing another Minho grew a sad look on his face.

-"Not for me you ding dong for you. You still have blood on your face. Don't look so sad." Jisung giggled at Minho, walking back over to the older. Jisung sat by him and started cleaning his face off. They boys hand movements were smooth, soothing Minho from any worries. When the younger was done he grabbed the makeup and blood covered wipes and threw them away. Jisung then just stared at himself in the mirror. He still had his long golden dress on. He had taken his shoes off at the front door when he walked in.

He was so focused in his thoughts that he didn't even see Minho walk up behind him. He just felt hands snake around his waist and chest.
-"Let me unzip you." Minho said whispering in his ear, seductively.
-"O-okay." Jisung shamed himself internally for stuttering. Minho's cold hands ran down his back and shoulders. Minho gripped the zipper and pulled it down slowly about half way, watching in the mirror as the front of the dress fell down. Minho out of instincts put his hands on the younger's chest rubbing his hands down it. Jisung squeaked from Minho's cold, rough, hands touching his soft skin. Jisung saw Minho smirk in the mirror, the devilish look on his face.

Minho pulled the zipper down all the way down and watching the dress fall all the way off, Jisung only in lace underwear. He quickly spun Jisung around so that they were now face to face. They could feel each other's warm breath on their skin. Minho looked at Jisung's lips, then up to his eyes.

-"May I?" Minho asks in a whisper.
-"Yes." Jisung whispers back. Minho lowers his lips to Jisung's soft ones, pushing them together. Jisung immediately rapped his arms around the older's neck as the kiss got deeper and tongue was added. His armes didn't stay for long though, his hands moved down to Minho's blazer, pushing it off the older's shoulders. Jisung's hands moved to Minho's chest beginning to undo the buttons. Minho squeezed Jisung's waist tighter. Making the boy let out a small moan. Minho smirked into the kiss.

Jisung then finished undoing all the buttons and push the shirt down. It hit the floor. They pushed away from each other needing air. Jisung looked down at Minho's toned chest and abs, putting his hand on them and running his hand down them.
-"Jisung, do you want to have sex with me?" Minho asked leaning his head down to the younger's level and putting his hands on either side of him locking Jisung in.(Obviously if Ji said no he would be totally be okay with that)

-"Yes I do. I love you Min." Jisung answered, looking into Minho's eyes.
-"Good. I love you too." Minho smirked and walked over to the door, locking it. He walked back to Jisung putting his cold hands on his waist again, pulling then pushing the younger on the bed. Jisung landed soft on the bed.
⚠️Smut and a bit of scar talk ⚠️
Skip if you want to 👍🏼

Minho immediately pounced onto Jisung, smashing their lips together. Jisung rapped his arms around the older's neck holding him closer. Minho started moving his kisses down from Jisung's face to his neck. Minho started to leave large, dark hickies down Jisung's neck. Jisung moaned and shifted as Minho sucked and licked his neck.

Minho then moved down kissing down the younger's stomach. Then to his hips and thighs. Jisung got nervous that Minho was so close to his scarred skin. Jisung thought he would hate them and be disgusted but now it looked now he maybe liked them? Minho saw the fright on the younger's face. He ran a hand down them and started to kiss and lick them to show to Jisung that he really didn't care at all. The younger smiled at Minho but soon pulled the older back up to his face, flipping them so that he was on top now not Minho. Jisung's thighs were on either side of Minho's legs, straddling him. He when straight to the older's neck also leaving hickies. Minho groaned as Jisung sucked his neck. The older put his hands on the younger's ass and squeezed shocking Jisung a bit.

Minho was now painfully hard and needed Jisung. He flipped Them so that Jisung's back was by his chest and took Jisung's underwear off. Also getting fully undressed himself, wanting Jisung to not feel nervous. Minho leaned over to the bedside table and grabbed a small bottle of lube out.
-"I know it's your first time so I'll be gentle." Minho said sweetly opening the lube bottle.
-"No it's okay be as rough as you want. I just want you." Jisung whimpered out.
-"No I want to be gentle. I don't want to hurt you." Minho spoke softly.
-" Okay i'm yours. Do what you want." Jisung said desperately.
-"Okay. This is going to hurt a bit."

Minho said pushing his first lubbed up finger into the younger, who yelped a little. Hear the boy in pain made Minho freak out a little. He bent down and kissed the boys neck. Jisung seemed to relax and he moaned a little. Minho then pushed another finger into the boy moving them to please him and stretch him out. Jisung moaned louder as Minho hit is prostate. Minho smirked pushing another finger in and hitting his prostate with each trust of his fingers.
-"Okay I think you're ready." Minho spoke removing his fingers. Jisung groaned when they were taken out.
-" Are you ready." Minho asked with a smirk.
-"I'm always ready for you." Jisung said out of breath.

😳😳😳😶🥰 hope you liked the beginning of that. The next chapter will be the continuing of the seggsy time. See ya❤️

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