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⚠️Healed scars⚠️

I woke up feeling someone shaking me awake. I rolled over to see Minho with wet hair shaking me.
-"Get up. You need to eat." Minho said in a monotone voice.

But then I feel him staring at my ass?

-"What?" I grogged out looking at him staring. Then I remember my scars he's staring directly at them. My shorts must have rid up! I try to move but he grabs me and pulls my shorts and underwear up more so he can look.
-" Why did you do this!" He yells. Is he worried?

-" There old you little shit! Hands off." I say pulling my underwear and pants back over my hips and thighs. When I look at his I see sadness in his eyes. The first time I've seen an emotion like that.

-"What?" I ask him. But he doesn't say anything he just moves so he's right in front of me and on my bed. He engorges me in a big hug. I don't completely like hugs but it was so nice and I felt safe so I hugged back. He hugs me tighter and pulls me into his lap.

My eyes start to tear up, hot tears pour from my eyes and I sob quietly. He lets go of me with one of his arms and lifts my head up by my chin. He sees my face and how I'm sobbing. I haven't cried like this since my parents died.

-" I don't even know why I'm crying." I cry out. Trying to wipe my tears but more keep coming. He sees this and let's go of my chin and changes the position we are in so our chests are touching. We are in another sexual position but there is no sexual tension. He pushes my head into his chest and hums to me, rubbing my back doing his best to comfort me. Who knew he was such a warm person? I inhale his scent he smells like a mix of lavender and sage. He's so comforting.

When I stop shaking and crying he lays down on his back and pats his chest wanting me to lay on him. I obviously comply I lay completely on top of him. And put my hands around his back like a koala. We just sit like that for a bit. Then I sit up we are in another very sexual position.
-" I wanna see the bruise I left can I?" I ask.

-" Ya sure." He says. I lift up his shirt to right when the bottom of his pecs are. I see the bruise I left. It's dark. Ops.
-" Oh dang I hit you hard." I said running a hand down his abs. Right as I ran my hand down his abs Felix appeared in my door way.

-"AHHH WHAT THE FUCK! GET OFF OF HIM." Felix screamed as Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin looked through the doorway. Minho quickly rapped his arms around me as Felix came sprinting trying to pull us apart.

-"Felix. Felix. FELIX CHILL. CHILL OUT BRO. We weren't doing anything." I end up yelling. Changbin rushed over and rapped his arms around his boyfriend.
-"Sorry you guys he's a bit protective over new people." Changbin said laughing a bit.

-" Oh and we left a little pizza for you it's in the kitchen." Changbin says before stepping away with a cursing Felix and shutting the door.

-"Well that was weird." I say starting to laugh.
-" Indeed it was." He says also begins to laugh. Minho cracks a smile and I stare at him.
-"Your so handsome when you smile. It's my first time seeing it." I say looking at his face, his Incredibly beautiful face.
-" You also have a beautiful smile." He purred.

-" Hah thanks" I say blushing, forgetting how close we are. I observe his face again and lean in and kiss his cheek. I hop of his lap now that his grip is lose from shock.
-"Come on let's go eat. I'm starving." I whine grabbing his hand and pulling him off my bed. He follows intertwining our finger together.
-"I'll lead the way." He says with a smile.
-" Good cuz I don't know where to go." I giggle.

3rd person

As Jisung and Minho pass Jeongin and Chan, hand and hand. Jeongin starts wacking Chan in the chest trying to get him to look over at the two.
-"Wha-" Chan starts then looks over at them holding hands. Chan's dad mode goes on. He walks over to them.
-" Um what is this?" Chan asked pointing at the two, then crossing his arms.
-"Two dudes. Get over it." Minho said in a bored sounding voice.

-"We'll no shit Sherlock." Chan answered crossing his arms.
-" Ask Felix I'm sure he knows about all of it." Minho says back.
-" Did someone say my name!" Felix comes sliding into the room. Chan turns around and points at the two holding hands.
-"Explain" Chan says. Before Felix started explaining Minho and Jisung got themselves at the table eating the cold pizza.

-" So pretty much I walked in and saw them in like a super sexual position. Jisung was on top of Minho and he had his hand in Minho's shirt. Buuuuuut they say they weren't doing anything......" Felix looked at Jisung closely.

-" HUH omg were you crying??!" Felix asked getting a closer look at Jisung.
-"Yeah I was but I'm fine now Minho helped a lot." Jisung said shooting Minho a grateful look.
-"HE WHAT. I've never seen that man give a hug nor comfort." Felix yelled. Chan looked shocked while Jeongin just sat on the couch staring.
-" Well he did both. He actually hugged me first." Jisung said proudly.
-"Hey stop exposing me." Minho said taking another bite of his pizza.
-"Hah sorry." Jisung apologized taking a bite of pizza.

I also loved this chapter hope y'all liked it. We haven't even got to the Mafia stuff yet omg. Okay see ya ❤️

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