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As they make it to the main room Jisung really sees haw massive this place is. As they walked in Felix put his arm around Jisung's shoulder.
-" We're going to be great buddies."
-" Hah good." Jisung giggled. Jisung's eyes went so big when he saw the room they would be talking it is was beautiful.

As Jisung was starring Felix lead him to the couch

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As Jisung was starring Felix lead him to the couch. So he could sit and stare. When he snapped out of it he saw everyone else on the couches around him. On the main couch it was Changbin and Felix then Jeongin. He was in between Felix and Jeongin. On the smaller couch it was Hyunjin and Seungmin. And Minho was in one of the two chairs. Chan just stood in front of them.

-" Okay let's start the meeting. Today we will mainly introduce ourselves and how we got it to this group." Chan said. He looked more serious right now then Jisung's ever seen him.

Jisung's POV

I just sit there with Jeongin and Felix on either side of me.
-"Oldest goes first so I'll go." Chan smiles.
-" I'm 21. My father is in the Italian Mafia and I worked with him a lot as a kid. So he decided to begin to train a new group and that group is us we are Stray Kids. The names kind of fitting for a lot of us." Chan said. I wasn't surprised Chan was the son of a Mafia boss he gives off such a strange aura.

-" Fine I'll go next. I'm 20. Um I was abandoned and Chan's father took me in and raised me. He taught me how to fight and use guns. Then I was put in this group." Minho answered in a bored voice.

-"It's me next. I'm 20. I was in a fight club when I was young so I grew up a fighter. It was very unsafe there though. So I was asked to go in a training mafia gang and I agreed." Changbin answered rapping his armed around Felix's waist. Sadness appeared on his face as he talked. That was the first time I have seen him sad. It was shocking.

-" Okay me next. I'm 19. My family died in a house fire when I was 15 and Chan's Father took me in and taught me how to snipe. That's about it." Hyunjin finished. Running his hands through Seungmin's hair.
-"It's you next Jisung." Chan said sweetly.

-"Okay well I'm 18 and when I was about 13 my parents were killed by the Malaysian Mafia." I heard Felix gasp and let go of Changbin and scoot closer to me and wrap his arm around mine. "They told me to hide so I did, I heard them get shot and their body's fall." I then felt more eyes move to me. I could feel Minho's cold gaze fall on me. "I found out who the killer was it was my grandfather. That fuck hole took everything from me and I want to kill him." I could feel anger appear on my face. "Since then I've worked on my body and have gotten stronger to kill that son of a bitch. That's why I'm here." I looked up and met eyes with Minho's a sliver of sympathy showed in his eyes. But I moved my gaze over to Chan, he gave me a nod as if saying 'good job'.

-"Okay it's my turn. I'm 18 I used to be a dancer at a club. It was probably very illegal because I was underaged. I was kicked out of my house for being bi when I was young." I hold Felix's arm tight when I hear that making sure he knew he had someone there. "One day A man asked me to work for him. I though it would be something sexual because he said he would pay me and I was desperate. That didn't happen though I ended up meeting Changbin, Jeongin, Minho, Chan, and Hyunjin. He taught me how to use guns and I already was a good actor so it worked great." When Felix finish Changbin put a hand on Felix's shoulder.

-" I'm 18. I'm a really good hacker as all of you know. Jisung and I lived together for quite some time and have been friends since 8th grade. We helped each other through hard times. Sorry Ji I hid that. I got asked to be in this group when we were sophomores in high school. I obviously said yes and started hacking for our group." When seungmin finished I gave him a big smile telling him that I forgive him for not telling me.

-"Okay I'm last then. I'm 18 and I got here when I was abandoned by my father as a young kid and Channie's Father took me in and trained me. I tend to get attached to people easily." When Jeongin finished I put my arm around his shoulder giving him a squeez. He gave me a foxie smile and put himself in my lap, straddling me.

I was a bit shocked but i didn't mind. Chan just raised a eyebrow at me I just gave him a confused look. He gives an expression saying that he didn't mind at all. The person that was probably the most shocked or jealous. Was Minho, he looked angry when I made eye contact with him he would quickly look away. Felix started to catch on and looked at me then at him looking away from me. Felix looked at me with raised eyebrows and mouthed the words 'see I told you'. I giggled when he said that. Everyone around us just had conversations with each other exempt for Minho and of course Jeongin who was almost asleep sitting on me.

When I felt his eyes on me I moved my hand around the boy on my lap's waist holding him tight and pulling him closer. I knew Chan wouldn't care, if he did I would tell him about Minho. As soon as I held the boy tighter he put his arms around my neck getting comfy. I could feel the fire coming from Minho. I turn my head to look at Felix and whisper in his ear.
-"Yo he's so pissed. I can technically feel his anger."
-" I can too he's so jealous omfg. I wanna see how long he can stand it" Felix whispered back.
-"God. me too you wanna?" I ask.
-"Definitely. I'll talk to Bin real quick." A few minutes later Felix turns back to me.

-" Have you had your first kiss yet?"

AHHHHHHHHH see ya ❤️

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