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{Time skip a few months later Jisung and Minho are in Jisung's bed}
Jisung POV

-"Hey Ji I think it's time to tell you about my past." Minho said out of no where. Jisung rolled over propping his head up on his hand.
-"Okay Min." Jisung murmured. Using his other hand to hold Minho's.
-"Well the real reason I'm here and how it started is-

Flash back

Minho was about 5 years old he was playing on the play ground with his mom. He loved his mom she was always so sweet to him and did her best to take care of the both of them. As he played in the sand box. Minho's mother picked him up and put him on the grass.

-"Hey Min Min, I'm going to be back soon I'm going to bring back snacks. Okay?" His mother asked. Minho just nodded his head seeing tears run down his mother's face. She kissed the top of his head and walked away. A few hours pasted and his mother didn't come back. He sat there on the swings by himself tears running down his face.

Then a kind looking man came up to him. He was holding a young boys hand. He looked slightly older than Minho.
-"Hey kiddo. What's your name?" The man asked.
-"I'm Lee Minho." The young boy said, a tear escaping his eye.
-"Oh well then Minho do you want to come with us? We can help you." The man smiled. Minho just got off the swing and grabbed the man's hand.
-"I have another son I took in as well. He's at home." The man smiled proudly. Minho just nodded his head.

As they drove up to the place the other boys lived. Minho looked out the window seeing a huge house. Minho's eyes gleamed staring at the large pillars on the front of the house and a pool in the front. 
-"Okay Minho. You ready?" The kind man asked. Minho just nodded his head. The man opened the back door and unbuckled the young boy. Minho hopped out following the older boy.

The man walked in front of them opening the door. As soon a the door opened a small boy with foxy eyes dead sprinted towards them.
-"Bang Bang Bang." The boy yells, startling Minho.
-"Yes hi Innie." The man laughed. The older boy walked over to the little one and whispered something in his ear. The boys eyes immediately went to Minho. The boy walked in front of the new boy.
-"Hi, I'm Yang Jeongin." The young boy introduced himself.
-"Hello, I'm Lee Minho." Minho answered kind of scared.
-"Okay Jeongin your scaring him. Let me take over." The man said sweetly. The man bent down to Minho's level.
-"Hello kiddo you can call me Bang. I take in boys and train them to work for me in the future. Are you okay with that?" Minho nodded his head, relaxing at the man's smooth words.
-"Okay sounds good Minho. How about I get you a snack then I'll  show you to your room." The man said happily.
-"Okay Bang." Minho smiled.

After his snack they walked up the stairs together.
-"Here's your room. It's right by my room so if you need anything you can find me. I'll get one of my maids to come help you get ready for bed. Okay Minho?" Minho nodded and put on a smile. Bang walked out of the room, leaving the boy alone. He eyes wandered around the room it was very big and had toys and books in one of the corners. He never really had that so he was so excited.

He hopped of the edge of the bed and walked fast over to the toys picking up a cat plushy. It was blue and had a bow tie around its neck. Minho loved it, he walked back over to the bed and crawled on. Right then a sweet looking maid walked in.
-"Hello you must be Minho. It's nice to meet you I'm Mrs. Park." Minho nodded.
-" Okay let's get you washed up kiddo." The lady said bringing him to the bathroom running him a bath.

Once they were done getting ready for bed Mrs. Park tucked Minho in and he fell asleep with his new toy.

End of flash back

-"And that's about it." Minho finishes.
-"Wow." Jisung is only able to get out.
-"Ya I know it's a lot. That probably explains some of the ways I act. Haven't really gotten over the past." Minho fake laughs.
-"And that's okay Minho I'm still not over my past either. We are the crazy couple." Jisung giggles the last part.
-"I guess we are." Minho  says squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

                         ⚠️Scar talk ⚠️

-"Now I'll tell you a bit about my scars." Jisung sad smiled.
-"You don't have to if you don't want to Ji." Minho said with a bit of worry in his voice.
-"No. Min I want to." Jisung smiled.

-"I started when my parents died. I used to be bullied very badly when I was in middle school before they died..... because everyone found out I was gay. It only got worse when my parents died. I just wanted to be in control of something happening around me. I needed a distraction....... So I cut. I did that for a few months till I met Seungmin I did it less often. When I told him about it he made me move in with him." Jisung giggled a tear still rolling down his cheek. Minho sat up pulling the boy into his lap so Jisung's back was against his chest. " I will be forever grateful to Seungmin for saving me. But everything's good now and I'm mentally stable." Jisung finished.

-"I'm forever grateful to Seungmin for saving you." Minho said is a smooth voice.
-"I love you Min."
-"I love you more." Minho answered scooting them down so they were laying together. They then fell asleep.
Hope you like Minho's backs story. :,))) okay see ya❤️

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