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Today was the day Jisung would be moving in with the gang member boys. He was kind of nervous but exited for a change in scenery. He woke up early to pack up all his stuff. When he packed he made sure to pack all his knifes carefully to make sure nothing got broken. He was now saying bye to the place he's been in for about 6 months. He didn't really care though he just wanted to get away from the roaches. He had already told the owner of the building that he would be moving out they seemed to not care but it wasn't Jisung's problem anymore.

He shoved all his stuff in his small car. Earlier that day Chan had texted him the address of the house the street sounded rich. So he was interested in seeing the place.
          Hey Chan I'm on the way now. see you soon :)

Okay awesome see you soon. :)


Jisung was now nearing the house only about a minute left. He now had to drive through the forest as he drove on the gravel path he came upon a massive mansion. It had big glass windows and was all and all amazing.

As he was close to the entrance he saw a little shed thing? Then he saw a man walk out he had a gun strapped to his waist

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As he was close to the entrance he saw a little shed thing? Then he saw a man walk out he had a gun strapped to his waist. Jisung drove up by him and rolled down his window.
-"Hello there are you Han Jisung? I need to see your ID."
-" Yes I am. Here's my ID." He replied grabbing his ID out of his wallet.
-" Yep checks out. Have a nice day sir." The man said bowing. Han bowed back. 'Theses people must be royalty or some shit.' Jisung thought.

He now was driving again and made it to where he could park his car. He grabbed his suitcase and walked up to the main door and rung the doorbell. He saw a figure run to the door through the foggy colored glass. The door opens it was Chan.
-"Hey Jisung! I'll show you to your room. The others are in random places around the house you'll see them at some point." Chan gleamed, smiling. They both started walking. They took the elevator to get to the second floor. Once they walked out they started walking through a long hallway. Then they came upon two doors.

-"Okay so you'll be neighbors with Minho. Give me a second I'll get him out of his room." Jisung internally panicked that hot but mean guy was his neighbor. This seems planed. Chan walked to the door next to his and started knocking and calling the others name. (The doors are close the buy the rooms are really big).

You could tell Chan was slowly loosing it but then the door opened and a sleepy looking Minho walked out.

-"Chan you know I sleep like a rock no need to get pissy." Minho grumbled not even seeing Jisung.
-"Hehe my bad. Okay well you will be next door to Jisung now, just wanted to tell you that. And Jisung if you need anything ask him." Chan said pointing at Minho. "and if he's a dick about it tell me and I'll beat his ass not literally but verbally." Chan said with a big smile.

-"Okay I will thanks." Jisung confirmed with a big smile. Minho just gave Jisung and Chan a dirty looks and walked back in his room.
-" Sorry about him he's always a bit grouchy. He'll warm up to you don't worry." Chan giggled. Jisung doesn't believe that at all. Minho literally hates him but Jisung just brushed it off. Who care if a hot guy hates him! Right?

-" Okay." Jisung answers smiling.
-" Oh and don't forget we have a meeting at 4:30 before dinner. You can go with Minho." Chan smiled and gave a thumbs up to Jisung. Jisung just smiled back and walked it his room. He was amazed, it was huge and has a king sized bed so much better than a twin sized one.

(Something like this)

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(Something like this)

He was mesmerized by how amazing it was. He's never had such a huge room. It was now 2:00 so he had some time to explore his room. He had multiple couches which seemed a bit over kill but it was great.

Then he heard a knock at the door. He walked over to the door and opened it to see Felix with a smile on his face. It's their first time seeing each other not in darkness. Felix has pretty freckles across his nose and on his cheeks. He had a good jawline and a soft shaped nose. He was really pretty.

-"Hello?" Felix said bringing Jisung back to reality.
-" Oh ya sorry I zoned out hah." Jisung said rubing his neck, letting Felix in. Felix threw himself onto Jisung's bed.
-" Don't worry I don't care when people stare it's kind of my job." Felix said patting the bed getting Jisung to sit down.
-"What is your job? If you don't mind me asking."
-" I don't mind. I go under cover. For example if we needed to get someone like a rapist or a abuser I would dress up and catch him with my looks. Jeongin does the same we are a team. I feel you might do something similar. You are very pretty." With the last sentence Felix leaned in looking closer at the boy in front of him.

-" Oh thank you you are also very pretty."  Jisung said back blushing .He's never been around someone so pixie like.
-" Hehe thanks." Felix said blushing.
-" I have a question what does everyone else do in the group?"

-" It's kinda long so pretty much as you know Jeongin and I go undercover. Jeongin uses knifes kind of like you I'm guessing. I use hand held guns. Changbin and Chan usually team up they usually come in when we need to get rid of a lot of people. Chan uses a machete while Bin uses brute force. Hyunjin stays hidden he's a sniper. Seungmin is a hacker he usually stays at head quarters which is in the basement. Lastly is Minho He uses double guns he usually works alone and takes routs alone but hopefully we can get him to work with you." Felix finally finishes.

-"Me and him? There's no way that will work. He literally hates me." Jisung grumbled.
-" I think I know why it seems like that. He has a hard time trusting people. Probably problems from past occasions. He sees that you are super cute and inside he really wants to trust you and let you in but he's holding back worried he'll get hurt."
-" Wow I kinda believe you. It's shocking how good you are at looking into things." Jisung said with a puzzled look.
-" Haha I know." Felix giggled flicking Invisible hair over his shoulder.
-" Oh my god look at the time we should get going." Felix exclaimed.

-" Okay let's go." Jisung says walking to the door Felix right behind him. As they walked out they ran into Minho.

-"Watch it." Felix spits.
-"Suck my dick." Minho states throwing up middle fingers, walking far ahead of them.
-" You wish!" Felix yelled in Minho's direction.
-"I'm telling Changbin!" Minho yelled back.
-" Do it. I dare you. He'll be proud!" Felix screamed in from of them. The entire time Jisung was just giggling this was definitely the right choice. Well technically it wasn't a choice but whatever.

I like this chapter a lot I think it's great hope you liked it. That last bit is definitely my favorite. Okay see ya ❤️

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