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                                  Jisung POV

I strut myself behind Jeongin and Felix as they do the same. We are all looking for a man with two gold watches and a bald head. Seungmin is also looking for him though the cameras. As we walk through the ball we see multiple couples and drunk people.

My eyes wander around. The room is decorated very prettily with golds and reds. I snap out of it when Seungmin talks in my ear.
-"He's right behind J.One." Felix and Jeongin turn around and shoot me a glance. They then lay eyes on the guy that is shocked to see three beautiful men looking at him with a seductive look. Felix strutted over to the man and put his hands on the man's shoulder and leaned on him. Jeongin did the same just on the other shoulder and I put himself in front of the man and leaned on close.
-"What were you looking at?" I said in a seductive voice.
-"You baby. You're so pretty." The gross man answered grabbing my ass. I didn't flinch though.  
-" If you want to get any of this or that.-" I say pointing at myself then the two boys leaning on the man. "Your going to have to follow me to the back." I gave a seductive look.

-"How do I know your not going to kill me." The man asks.
-"Do I look like I would kill you?" I give him a cat like stare.
-"You actually do. Same with this blondie with the guns tucked in the back of his dress." He smirked quickly pushing Jeongin off of him and swiftly grabbing a gun out of his pocket and holding it to Felix's chin.

-"He's got backups! Everyone hurry get with your combat partners. There's so many of them!" Seungmin yelled in our ears. As soon as people started seeing the gun they fled from the building, leaving only the enemies.

Felix swiftly smacked the gun out of the mans hand and grabbed Jeongin's hand hand and ran with him finding a place to stand ground and fight. I kicked the man in the kneecap making him fall to the ground and ran to where I though Minho was. I ran through the large hallway. On the way grabbing my knife from my upper thigh. I hear someone grunting. It sounds like Minho!
                                       ⚠️Gore ⚠️
I immediately rush around the corner to see a man holding a knife over Minho's throat. I run as fast as I can over there and stab the man in the back, running my blade down him. He screams. When I pull it out I kick him off Minho.
-"Wow this is really sharp." I say proudly. Minho gives me a proud smile and puts his hand on my cheek  I lean into his touch almost melting.

But then we hear a sound of foot steps coming at us from both sides of the hall.
-"You ready Ji?" Minho smirked.
-"Of course Min. Let's get them." I reply back getting into a good head space. Then we see the first people coming from both sides, running at us. Minho and I's backs touch so we can watch out for each other. I hold my knife in a downward position getting ready to swing. The first man comes up in front of me trying to throw punches at me I quickly doge and slam my knife into his chest. I've never really used my knifes on people. It's not much different from dummies.

I hear Minho throwing punches. But I snap out of my thoughts as more and more people show up. We are both now fighting multiple people. Me with my knife. Minho with his fists but why he has guns? 

-"Hun, there's too many. I'm gonna need you to cover your ears and close your eyes. I don't want to scare you." Minho rasped out of breath. I immediately obeyed covering my ears and getting low on the ground but my eyes are open for a second, looking up at him. I see him pull out his double guns and start shooting simultaneously. That's when I close thy eyes, wanting to listen to his instructions.

I could hear the the muffled gunshots coming over my head. I felt Minho walk way from me. Once I heard the noise stop, a hand patted my shoulder. The person pulled me up before I could even open my eyes. When I open my eyes to see Minho standing in front of me. I put my hand out and wipe some of the blood off his face.

⚠️End of warning

-"Oh sorry." He giggled putting his hands on my waist.
-"Don't worry about it I think you look hot." I smirked. He then looked at my lips then back to my eyes. He leaned in only about a inch away from my lips. I start blushing.
-"May I." He whispers. I can feel his warm breath on my lips.
-"Yes you may." I whisper back. Then he leans all the way in and out lips touch. I can't believe I'm having my first kiss around a bunch of dead or half dead people.

The kiss soon gets deeper and I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hand on my waist. He slips his tongue in my mouth surprising me a bit but then he brings me closer so I'm in his lap. I relax again getting into it. He holds me so close making me forget everything around me. I put my hands through his hair and he squeezes my waist tighter.

But right then, we are interrupted my a flash and a shutter sound. It was of course Felix and the others. I immediately hide my face into Minho's chest. He pulls me up off the ground. Felix comes sprinting towards me almost stumbling over his dress. He had blood splashed on him I'm guessing he's the one that killed the boss.
-"Oh my god Jisung! You had your first kiss. AHHH" he yelled. I look at him and smile big, I nodded my head.
-"Wait that was your first?" Minho asks me. I nod my head shyly.
-"Damn I would have made it better. Was it okay?" Minho said nervously with his eyes worried.
-"Ya it was great don't worry." I say attaching myself to his side, giving him a big smile. He smiled back and patted my head.

-"Sorry to cut the cute moment but we really need to skrrt skrrt our asses out of here before more people show up." Changbin said grabbing his boyfriend's hand. When I looked at Changbin he had a bloody hand print smeared on his face.

-"Okay fine." Felix says turning around and walking with Changbin. I follow holding hands with Minho. Jeongin and Chan holding hands as well. Chan had a massive amount of blood on his pants probably that was were he was wiping the blood off his machete (It's like a really big knife). Jeongin had blood splattered on him. I was probably the one with the least amount on blood on.
-"Great job everyone and by the way I saw that Jisung." I could hear the smirk in Seungmins voice.
-"Omg I can't believe we did that." I stammer looking at Minho. He just shyly giggles and pats my head as we walk out of the back of the building.

Omg I suck at fight scenes. Hope it made sense. Maybe put some imagination into it. Haha okay see ya❤️

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