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Jisung POV

I was now walking out of my building, it was now about 11:45 PM. I just chose to walk because the park was right by my shitty little dorm. I slipped my hands in my pockets feeling the cold, smooth medal of my knife on my right hand. I love the feeling on my fingers. My knife fits perfectly in my palm. I grip it tightly.

I near the entrance of the park. As I make it through the entrance I see the benches there are a lot of people over there. To me looks like about seven people. They were all wearing black. 'I thought I was only meeting one person?'. I grip my knife tight in my hand flicking the blade out in my pocket, getting ready to swing if I need to. I get closer I see a person sitting on another persons lap and the others just around the table, sitting on the benches beside it.

As I walk closer I saw a familiar face in a black hoodie. It was Seungmin. I flick my knife closed.
-" Minnie?" I call out.
-" Oh you're here!" Seungmin yells walking to me, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the other people. As soon as Minnie brings me over I recognize one of them it's the guy I bumped into. He looks different having his hood up.

- "Why are there so many of you? Is this a gangbang of some shit?!" I ask. As soon as I say that a guy with  long blond hair puts his arms in the air and screams "NO" and walks away. I also recognize him he was the boy with Seungmin. The others just scoff and and some giggle.
-" No it's not Jisung and Hyunjin get your ass back here." Seungmin says. The guy named Hyunjin just walks back and stands behind Seungmin putting his arms around his waist in a back hug.

I guess I looked shocked when he did that.
-"I'll tell you about it later Ji." Seungmin says answering my questioning look.
-"Okay let's get to it then I'm Bang Chan those two that were making out is Changbin and Felix, the one with blue hair Jeongin, he's mine. Um that one with the brown hair is Minho." Chan says pointing at the guy that I bumped into. "Oh and the one attached to Seungmin is Hyunjin. Nice to meet you, Han Jisung." The curly blond says with a shockingly hot smile. I look at his a bit confused.

-" What is this exactly?" I ask.
-" Oh I forgot to say haha well I'm the leader of this gang and-"
-" A GANG? MINNIE WTF! Your in a gang?!" I cut him off. I look over to Seungmin who looks terrified. He's looking at that Minho guy. Minho walks over to me and pushes me onto the bench, my back is pressed against the edge of the table. He drops his face down to my level maybe about 3 inchs away and puts his hand on the table edge beside me locking me in.

-" Nobody interrupts the leader." He says poking a finger at my chest. I move my knife out of my pocket so it's more in my lap, only I can see it.
-" One inch closer and this knife plunges in your stomach." I say with dead eyes staring into his, flicking my knife open. I see a small amount of fear flicker in his eyes he quickly sits up giving me a lot of space. Everyone looks over and sees that I did indeed have a knife and it was right where his stomach was.

Everyone around is now dead silent looking at me I sit up and flick my knife closed.
-" Well okay then let's not kill each other. Thank you Minho for the help but there was no need. He doesn't know the way this works yet." Chan says with a nervous smile. Getting between Minho and I. Minho gives me a death glare then walks away from me, standing by Felix and Changbin.

-" Back to what I was saying I would like you to be in our gang but technically it Isn't really a gang it like a part of the Mafia but I'll tell you about that later. So what do you say?" Chan said with a nervous giggle.
-"What if I say no?" I ask.
-" We'll kidnap you." Changbin answered with no hesitation, pulling the boy on his lap closer.
-"Bin don't say it like that." Felix said hitting his boyfriends chest.
-"Haha sorry." Changbin said smiling. When he smiled it was almost relaxing to look at him.

-" I have a question." I ask.
-" What would that be?" The leader questioned.
-" Why do you want me?" I ask with a smirk.
-" You're skilled, don't think people don't notice. We know Wonho he's one of our guards."
-" Oh okay then sure I'll do it. It's better that getting kidnapped."
-"Okay sweet. You'll move in tomorrow." Chan said with a smile.
-" Oh okay I'll give you my number and you can text me all the important stuff. Wait what if I'm busy tomorrow?"
-"Your not. It's Saturday tomorrow." Chan said nonchalantly.
I'm a bit creeped out but I smile back mainly because I'm going to finally move out of my crappy dorm. In my eyes it's free because they asked me so I'm not paying a penny.

Chan walks over to his boyfriend who is now asleep on the table with his head down on his arms. He picks the boy up with ease and puts him on his back. They all get ready to leave. Felix is holding Changbin's hand and got up, Hyunjin and Minnie are ready. Minho is very quite now I guess no one has ever talked back to him. How can such a pretty person have such ugly insides.

On our way out Chan asks if I needed him to walk me home. I told him he doesn't politely and flashed him my knife. He just giggled and walked away with the others.

As I made it home I was in shock that I would now in a gang in the Mafia. Maybe this was a good thing I can get revenge on the person that ruined my life. The person that made my life worse even after it was already a mess..... my grandfather. He's in a opposing mafia from Malaysia.

Oooooooo next chapter we will learn Jisungs past. Yay I'm exited. Hahah see ya ❤️

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