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Jisung's back story
⚠️Self Harm⚠️

Jisung's childhood was actually pretty good till about middle school. When he was in middle school he was always bullied. People would throw food at him and call him slurs because he was gay. The word got out when he told his so called "friend" because the though they would keep a secret but it turned out they were a backstabbing bitch. As soon as that got out everyone looked down on him even the teachers.

He had no one except his parents who loved him dearly and always supported him but all good things come to a end. Right?

One day people came to his house. They broke down the door and started attacking his parents he tried to help but even he was way to weak to help. His parents yelled for him to hide and run so he did as he was told and hid in his closet.

Then he heard two loud gun shots and two heavy things hit the floor. He then heard foot steps getting closer to his room. He put a hand over his mouth while he silently cried. Then he heard it, it was Malaysian he only knew one person that spoke Malay..... was his grandfather. The foot steps got closer and closer to his hiding spot. The door swung open but the man didn't see him but Jisung could. It was his damned grandfather. The man he thought loved his family.

The man had his parents blood on his face.
-" Where did that damn kid go. He's always ruining everything. I know your in here so listen up. Since my daughter and my best worker had you. They stopped working for me. You don't really know your parents they worked in the Malaysian Mafia they weren't actually lawyers like you think. They killed and harmed. I did what they did....for you. So come out and we can work together. How about that?" But Jisung kept quiet he didn't move.

He didn't want to believe it and even if they did kill they stopped. They've stopped for 13 years. Why did they have to die? More silent tears ran down the boys face.
-"Maybe he isn't in here. God damnit!" The man said storming out.

When he heard the house become quiet he let out a sob and hot tears ran down his face he cried so hard he passed out.

The first thing he saw when he woke was a woman police officer looking in the closet, moving clothes and then at him. Jisung let out a panicked shriek.
-"Oh baby it's okay come out I'll help you. I'm with the police." The woman said in a smooth voice. Jisung quickly climbed out attaching himself to the woman. They hugged for a very long time till another officer said to bring him out. The next months we're a blur. Jisung was to scared to say anything to the police he thought he might get in trouble for being mafia workers kid. So the murders were just ruled out as gang murder and the case went cold.

When Jisung went back to school the bullies were just as bad and maybe worse and it didn't help that he had terrible nightmares almost every night. Everyday when he came home he would cut to try to make himself feel better. He just wanted to be in control of what was happening around him and this was the only thing he could be in control of. He did that for many months till his upper thighs and hips were covered. He never put any on his arms because he didn't want anybody to see them.

He lived alone because they couldn't get him in a foster home for some reason, maybe they found out he was a Mafia workers kid or something? He lived like that till he met Seungmin his amazing friend he found in the last months of middle school. Seungmin was a transfer student. They got really close and Seungmin would always stand up for him when people would bully him.

When Jisung told him about his scars and cuts they both cried and hugged each other. By then Jisung was only cutting sometimes, not as much as he used to. Seungmin immediately made Jisung move in with him and his parents. He also got Jisung into therapy soon after he moved in. It took a lot of convincing but Jisung gave in. He was doing so much better he rarely had nightmares now and by then he had told Seungmin about his past. Everything went great.
End of warning

Seungmin was a pretty normal kid but he was like insanely smart with computers and was scarily good at hacking but he never hacked in a bad way he would usually just hack his parents TV to scare them. They were amazing friends.

High school was so much better no more bullying and they both had a pretty good glow up. They were both really attractive now. But decided not to date till college. They also ended up going to the same college they were not as close as they used to but they see each other as family and are still great friends.

Btw throughout this Jisung is still working out and getting good at combat.

Hope you liked his back story eeeeehhhhhh
Hope this isn't confusing. Okay see ya ❤️

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