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This book contains a lot of blood, core, strong language, mentions of sexual abuse, sometimes attempts at it, death, and murder.

This book starts off with some of these things, so if you're sensitive to anything listed above... don't read this book.


A man sat in a small wooden chair in the center of his living room. His things were thrown all over the floor courtesy of the person pacing in front of him. He sneered at the person as they kicked the remains of his soju bottle with the tip of their boot.

"So, again old man. Where is the map?" The person stopped pacing to stand in front of the man that was tied down in the rigidity chair. Its legs groaned every time he moved around, threatening to give under his weight at any given moment.

"I told you I sold it!" The man's hoarse voice echoed through the house a bit as his face turned red with anger. The color drained just as fast as it had come though.

"To who?" The person asked with their sword tip resting on the man's collar bone. The man looked down ad gulped as he felt the cold metal on his hot skin. "Answer me. This sword is quite heavy you see... what if it just slips?"

The man's dark blue eyes met a pair of the same color, both filled with the same amount of hatred, one was mixed with a bit of fear as well. "Mr. Hayoon..." The room was silent besides the man's loud breathing, he was scared of what was to come next.

"Tsk" The person rolled their shoulders back and sighed as they thought the confession over. "This does throw a bit of a bump in the road for me. Oh well, it was nice seeing you again father." The last word was filled with so much venom the man winced back a bit. The girl returned her sword to its sheath and turned on her heel.

"You can't just leave me tied up here!"

The girl paused at the door and looked over her shoulder. "Oh, but I can and I will... while you burn." With that she kicked the small table by the door, knocking the oil lamp from its spot onto the alcohol soaked floor. The flames spread quickly thanks to the fuel the soju provided. The man screamed as he watched his home be consumed by the flames before he too was engulfed in the fire. "Hopefully you'll burn in hell after this as well."

Never again would she allow a man to run her life.


Alrighty! Part one. I'm going to try my best with this book so buckle down if you're willing to read this, it'll probably be a mess *sigh*

Anyways... have a great night/day and see you next chpt.

And sorry this part being short, the other parts will be longer at least 1,000 to 2,000 or more

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