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That night as we set up camp I ask the guards to switch out, it seems like they assumed I would stay in the same tent as the king, they were wrong.

They looked from one another confused.

"I guess I could tent with the king..." the younger of the two said.

"No, Seori will be bunking with me, that's the end of it."

"Why don't we ask Seori how she feels about it all?" I say while keeping my back to the king.

"Um... how do you feel about it?" I could tell the guards were uncomfortable, but they would be fine.

"I feel, the king should stop acting like a child and let me do as I please."

The king grabs my arm and pulls me away from the guards.

"You will not tent with either one of them."

"You're actually talking to me now?"


"Jake, enough. Tell me what the problem has been and I'll drop it, if not then have fun with your tent mate." I pull away and cross my arms, like I said, two can play at this game. If he wanted to be childish, I would too.

He runs a hand through his hair as he let a sigh out. "I'm ashamed."

I feel my heart drop to my toes, was he ashamed I had let Gyu hurt me the way he did? Was he ashamed I didn't fight harder to stop it...?

"Ashamed of me?" I swallow thickly as I feel emotions rush up, why was I feeling like this? If he was ashamed of me, then let him. He wasn't there, he didn't know what all happened and he never would.

"I'm ashamed of myself."

"Why?" I let my arms fall to my side, what did he have to be ashamed of?

"That I wasn't there to help you, keep it all from happening. I can't imagine what you went through, what you felt when no one was there to help you." He pulls at his hair a little making me feel worried. "I've been beating myself up since Gyu showed up, I've put you through so much yet, you're still working day and night to find the stones to help me. I know you've said this kingdom is your home too, but still. How can you keep going as if nothing happened? As if I'm not to blame for it all?"

I fight myself for a second before I pull him into a hug, I would probably regret this later.

"No one's to blame here other then the person that did it." I say as I rub his back a little, I didn't know what to do to really comfort someone, but this used to work with some of the younger girls that would cry after they had been dumped into those nasty houses.

"It was best you didn't come, they would have killed you, who would lead the kingdom then? Your guard-your friends need you alive, Jake." I didn't add directly that I needed him alive too, the annoying man had a place in my heart now as well.


"Shut up." I cut him off before pulling away. "Don't ever pull the cold shoulder again, or I'll beat your ass. Stop being so hard on yourself, you're not alone in this fight, things happen when trying to save a kingdom. Everything will be okay once we find the healing stone."

"How do you do it?" He asked, his hands resting on my shoulders.

"Do what?" I didn't know what he was asking.

"Act as if you can take on the world and leave whatever happened to you in the past, as if nothing ever happened?"

"You have too, or you'll never get anywhere in life. Everyone takes on the world in their own different way, mine is just a bit..."

Rough ☆ JakeWhere stories live. Discover now