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Today was unusually warm for this time of year, it should be a nice crisp day with a chilly breeze blowing, but instead, it was hot and humid or it was just the fact that we were walking on our own two feet.

I pat Max on the neck as I walk along side him, all the horses needed a break after the past three days of almost constant riding. Ni-ki's horse had started to act up an hour ago leading us all to agree to lead our horses instead of riding them.

I watch as Max picks a bite of grass here and there as we go, I didn't have to worry about holding his lead, he knew not to wonder off.

"I think our trainers could take a few tips from you." I look to my left and see Sunghoon falling back to walk along side me. "Your horse is very well behaved."

"That he is, it just takes time and trust between a horse and it's rider." I look ahead at the other horses. "I have a feeling that this is the most time you've spent with your horses?"

He looked next to him to the horse he was leading, a beautiful chestnut mare. "It is, yes."

"Next time we stop I'll show you something." I look to the mare and then him, I could see the horse was already comfortable with him, but there was room for more bonding between them.

I hear a horse blow off to the right, Max stood there and tapped his front hoof twice.

"I think our horses are thirsty." I say loud enough for the group to hear.

"How would you know?" Of course it was always Jay who had to ask me such dumb questions.

"Max." I point at him as he tapped his hoof twice once more. "That's how he tells me he's thirsty. Lead the way Max."

Jay rolled his eyes as Max headed off the path, me following after him.

I could hear Jay grumbling as the rest followed as well, I smiled as I heard him say how crazy I was for following a horse.

As the horses got their fill, a few of us gathered water to boil later when we stopped for dinner, our drinking canteens still full from lunch time when we had boiled water then.

Just as I clasped the water container onto Max's saddle, his head shoots up and his ears perk, flicking back and forth as he listened.

"Take cover!" I yelled just in time as arrows came flying our way. The horses called out as a few got hit, the ones not injured got scared by the sudden nose and jostling of the other horses. As all the horses take off in many different directions Max trots around in a circle waiting for me to get on him, but I couldn't leave the others to fend for themselves.

"Max, go round the other horses up!" He takes off right after that, leaving me to try and find cover now. I head for the few trees that lined the rivers bank, as I run past Sunoo and Jungwon, I grab their hands and pull them along with me.

Once our backs were against the trees I check them over for injuries, luckily we were fine, for now. I peek my head out from behind the tree only to pull it back just as fast as another arrow hits the tree, far to close to my face.

"Where are the others?" Jungwon asked as he pulled his bow off his shoulder.

"I see a few across the river." Sunoo says as he holds his sword up, ready to fight.

I pull a knife from my belt, gripping the blade as I think on what my next move should be.

"I see one coming our way." Sunoo whispered as he peeked around the tree he was pressed against. "No, four now."

I slow my breathing so I could try and hear them getting closer, the ground being covered with leaves was a good thing for us right now.

I mentally count down before I step out from behind the tree and let the knife in my hand fly as soon as I make eye contact with a person. Once the knife was in route I drop to the ground and roll to the right, back on my feet I dive behind another tree. A low whistle off to the side catches my attention.

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