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It all hurt so much.

The cut in my chest as Gyu shoved his hand into it.

The sight of the king fighting with everything he had to get away from the people holding him.

Despite all the pain, I smile.

A heartbroken smile.

My heart was shattering as I saw the fear and pain in the kings eyes, I didn't think my death would ever affect anyone.

I had grown believing when I died no one would notice, I would just pass and that would be the end. No one would have known, no one would have cared that I had died.

I didn't worry about leaving anyone behind after I passed, I had only worried for my horse if I passed before him.

That was before I met the king and his guard.

Now, now I felt guilty for hurting them all, this was my fault in the end. If I had kept them at a distance then they wouldn't hurt over my death, they wouldn't have to mourn me.

"I'm sorry." I managed to croak out as I feel Gyu pull away.

"I got it."

Sure enough, a small stone covered in my blood. He wiped it off and the stone gave off a faint glow.

I let my eyes go back to the king as he looked from the stone back to me.

It was getting harder to breath, harder to keep my eyes open as the puddle of blood next to me grew bigger.


Banging on the throne room doors made Gyu snap his head around.


"Jake, Seori!"

"In here!" Jake yelled his voice echoing off the walls.

The upper guards fought harder to get the door open as they heard the king answer.

"Sunoo, Jungwon, come with me." Heeseung darted off down the hall, they could go around to the other door and try there.

"We need to go!" One of the towns people yelled in fright, now that there were people to fight them he was ready to tuck tail and run.

"No, we stand and fight!" Gyu said as he stood up, shoving the stone in his pocket. 

The back door to the throne room was forced open.

Everyone drew their weapons at the same time, all but a few of the towns people. Some of the men who had talked the most shit about fighting fell to their knees pleading for their lives.

"You cowards, get up and fight!"

He pulled out his sword as the rest of the guard entered the room.

They were easily outnumbered.

Everyones eyes went from the king who had managed to get by Seori's side to the puddle of blood on the floor.

For a moment it was silent as the guards took in the scene, then all hell broke loose.


"Seori, don't you dare close your eyes."

The smile never left my face as Jake struggled to get his tied hands infront of him.

After he fell on his side and almost his face a few times he managed to get them in front of him, then he went at the rope with his teeth.

Once his hands were free he pressed them to the cut in my side, I could feel them shaking.

Rough ☆ JakeWhere stories live. Discover now