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The next morning I was lead down to the dinning room where everyone seemed to already be waiting. There were two new people I had not met yet sat at the table as well, I had to assume they were part of the royal guard as well.

"Good morning, Miss Choi." I see the king was still in a foul mood.

I send him a nod to show I had heard him as I head to the chair next to Sunoo, the only one that I felt okay being around.

"Good morning, Seori." Sunoo greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Sunoo." I offer a small smile back. I hear the king clear his throat to call everyone's attention.

"If I'm correct, Jungwon and Ni-ki are the only ones who have not met our guest?" I turn to look at the two men that I haven't met yet. They looked to be close to Sunoo's age, both having youthful faces.

"Jungwon," The king waved his hand to the one that had sharp eyes that reminded me almost of a cat. He stood and and bowed a little before sitting back down. "Ni-ki." The one with blond hair stood and bowed as well, his expression made him look uninterested in what was going on.

"Great." The king clapped his hands twice causing maids to enter with trays of food. I watch as they place a plate and glass in front of everyone before backing away. "I thought everyone could benefit from a nice breakfast before we dive into the meeting."

I felt a pang of anger as the king shot me a smug smile. I had a strong feeling he was dragging this out because of me wanting to know so bad.

While everyone else started to eat, I just stared at my plate, my appetite gone. A tap on my knee made me jerk my head up. Sunoo raised a brow before tilting his head toward my plate, as if asking why I wasn't eating.

It felt weird to have someone notice that something was off about me, my mother was the last person to pay attention to when something was off about my mood. Sunoo though, took notice that I wasn't eating, which made me see he was paying at least a bit of attention to me.

I don't say anything as I just shake my head a little and look down at my lap. I heard him sigh, tapping my knee two more times before he turned back to his food and started eating again. Soon enough everyone was done and the maids returned to gather the plates, the one that took my plate looked at me from the corner of her eye as she saw my food and water had been untouched.

"Jongho." I look up when I hear the king call the guard from last night. He came walking over with a small box in his hand that he placed in front of the king. His majesty thanked the man before turning to the box and pulling a key from his jacket pocket that he used to unlock the box.

"Now, let's start the meeting." He stood to his feet and walked around the table to were I sat, he placed a old piece of parchment on the table in front of me. "Is this the map that leads to the dragon stones?" He asked as he reached over my shoulder and unrolled it, showing a blank piece of paper.

I reach out and touch it causing a small dragon symbol to show up on the top left corner. I hear the king suck in a small breath.

"And is this the knife?" He set the knife in front of me, it was indeed the knife my mother had given me, the same one that had been in my boot.

"Yes." I said while reaching out to grab it. As soon as my fingers touched the wooden handle another hand stopped me. I look up and see Jay sending me a stern look as if I was a child that was trying to steal a cookie. I snatch my hand back and glare at him as he sat back down across from me.

The king picked the knife and map back up and headed to his seat. I watched as he sat down, my annoyance with these people growing stronger.

"So we need to talk a few things over with you. Miss, Choi." Said the king.

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