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"I'm fine." I say as I stand straight and make my way over to the drunk man. "Sit back down."

I go to push him back gently only for him to grab my wrist and pull me down next to him. I grumble as I sit back up and send him a look as he layed there laughing to himself.

"I'm going to my room." Well first I needed to ask someone who was sober which room was mine.

Just as I go to stand once more I was stopped by Sunghoon again. "Wait."

I sigh and sit back down, hoping if I let him do his 'check up' he'll finally settle and go to sleep. He sat up and placed his fingers on the side of my neck, even though he was sitting he was still swaying a bit making me lift my hands to keep him from falling off the side of the bed.

"Okay, I'm fine. Lay down." I pull his hand away and push him back on the pillows.

"I can't sleep in my coat." He said with a groan, sitting back up again.

I was starting to grow impatient with this situation. I throw my hand out and wait for him to give me his hand.

"What?" He asked as he pulled at his jacket, not getting anywhere seeing as the middle button was still secured.

"You're going to rip it, stop." I take a deep breath to calm myself, I then slide closer to undo the button, once that was done I pull his arms out of the sleeves. "There."

I set his jacket down on the foot of his bed as he kicked his boots off.

"Thank you." He said finally laying down in his own, his eyes already shut. Before I leave I pull the blanket up over him and make sure none of his belongings were in plain sight just in case someone came in here.

"Good night." I call out not getting a response as I leave.

I wasn't surprised to see Jay and the king still in the hall on the floor, they seemed to be playing some type of game.

They throw their hands out, the kings being a fist while Jay's was flat. I assume the king had lost when Jay flicked him on the forehead.

"Okay, that's enough. Time for bed." I step in after the king had lost a few more times.

"Who made you the boss?" Jay said while stumbling to his feet.

"Well, you two are drunk and I'm assuming all the others are asleep." I say simply, not in the mood to fight with him tonight. "Just go to your rooms."

He says a few colorful words as he heads to one of the rooms. I look down at the king and raise a brow.

"Help?" He held a hand up and smiled.

"Son of-" I reach down and tug him up to his feet, we both stumble back a bit before I catch myself on the wall behind me. The king wasn't so lucky, he ended up hitting his head on the wall, much to my delight.

"That's my room." He said pointing to the one between Jay's and Sunghoons. Like I had done Sunghoon, I throw his arm over my shoulder and pull him along to his room.

"You guys need to lose some weight or something." I pant as I let him fall down onto his bed. "Which one is my room?" I ask from the door as I took a second to catch my breath once more, my chest pain still not easing.

"Umm... two doors to the left." He said while pointing to the right.

"You're pointing the wrong way." I say making him look up at his hand and switch the direction his finger was pointing in. "I'm going to bed." I add as an after note as I turn the knob and pull the door open.

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