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Later the next day we all decide a good bath and meal is needed, so as the sun was setting we come into the village of Ahe. It was one of the bigger villages in the south, so the amount of people bustling about was no surprise to me, but that didn't stop the anxiety rising in my chest. More people meant more chances for trouble.

Finally we come to a stop in front of an inn, people were stopping and pointing at the king and his guard, causing my worry to rise more. People paying attention to us was bad, how many of them would try and rob or attack us? That was the bad thing about big villages like Ahe, they held many criminals.

I follow behind Sunghoon as we enter the inn, the main entrance leading to the restaurant part of the inn first. I took a deep breath as I smelt the food being cooked, my stomach giving a small growl.

"Who wants to eat first and who wants to go get cleaned up first?" Jungwon asked. Most hands went up for getting cleaned first. "I'll go ask the owners for the bathing rooms."

My eyes scan the crowd as Jungwon heads off towards the counter area, like outside many eyes were on the king and his men. Out of instinct I reach for my sword only to curse when I remember the king still had it.

"Your majesty, I need my sword back." I turn to the king and hold my hand out for my sword.

"Now?" He raised a brow wondering why I would ask for it in the middle of an inn restaurant.

"Yes now, do you see all these people watching us? Anyone of them could try to come and kill you or us."

"The other guards can handle it, wait until we're upstairs." He said making me narrow my eyes a bit.

You know what? I'll just let you get attacked. I shrug my shoulder mentally as I turn to Jungwon who was followed by a man and woman.

"If you'll follow us, we'll show you the bathing rooms." The old man said with a smile and a slight bow. "It's really an honor for the king to come by our inn." The man said as we followed him to a set of stairs that sat in the back right corner of the room.

Him and the king fall into a conversation that I block out, it was mainly about why we were in town, the king should be smart enough to not tell them about the stones.

"This way ma'am." The lady grabbed my arm and pulled me down the left side of the hall as the men went the right way. "You can wait here while I draw you a bath."

I nod as I take a seat in a small room that held a few chairs, a table, and a vanity that had a basin resting on it. Soon enough she returned and left me to bath on my own. I turn and lock the door before I set my bag down. I then check all over to make sure there were no peep holes in the walls and that the window was locked and the curtains closed tight before I even started to undress.

I take my time in bathing and getting dressed not wanting to be done before the men, so I could maybe catch the king and get my sword.

"Perfect." I whisper to myself as I leave the bathing room and see the king leaving his as well. I walk over to him and hold my hand out.

"What?" He asked as he still rubbed a towel against his head to dry his hair.

"My sword." I say simply.

He rolls his eyes before he turns and heads back into the room he just left, a moment later he was back with my sword in hand.

"Thank you." I turn and leave before I try and comment on the fact he shouldn't leave stuff laying around, but then I stop and realize something.

As the king passed I grabbed him by the arm and pulled his shoulder down so he's ear was closer to my mouth.

"Where's the stone?" I ask quietly.

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