I'd rather walk

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"Seori?" I hear Heeseung call out after a while of silence.

I ignore him and act like I was asleep, not wanting to be bothered by more people trying to plead their case. They were men, men never wanted to help anyone but themselves. I had seen it growing up all too well.

"I know you're awake." Heeseung said.

"So what if I am?" I decide to turn and face him. "I don't want to hear about how you want to save people, I don't believe a word of it."

He sat there a moment not saying anything as he just looked over my face. "I can't go into detail about what's going on.. The king himself will have to tell you, we're not to speak of it to anyone outside of the royal guard."

"Of course not. I think it's just your way of making sure I come to the castle with you. I'm not going." I say simply as I lay back down on my back. I squeeze my eyes shut when my stomach growlers loudly, easily heard by Heeseung.

"Have you not eaten?"

"Ha, Jay wouldn't let me until he knew that I didn't harm you." I sit back up and turn to face the guard. "You know what, your friend is kind of a prick. He needs to learn some people manners." If men could do that. Went left unsaid.

Heeseung cracked a small smile as he shook his head. "I know. Jay has never been the best with new people and he is very protective of his friends. I apologize for the way he acted and the way I acted before, it was uncalled for."

"Damn right, it was uncalled for. If I'm being honest, you guys have shown me not to help anyone in need anymore. I was stupid when I let myself think I needed to help you, now I'm being taken away from my home and forced to help you with some big plan to save people." I roll my eyes once more before I lean back on the small headboard. I cross my arms as I stare at the opposite wall.

"Guard!" I jump in surprise once more when Heeseung yells out of nowhere.

A guard comes rushing in the door with his sword drawn, a look of confusion washes over his face when he sees we're both still in our beds and there was no immediate danger in sight.

"Go fetch us some food and water, please." The guard nods his head slowly before backing out of the door, still confused.

"I won't be eating!" I call out not wanting to show them I was accepting anything from them.

"Why not?" Heeseung questions as he adjusts his sitting position to be more comfortable.

"Not hungry." I lie through my teeth, knowing all too well he had heard my stomach moments ago.

"Sure." He said with a chuckle.

"Heeseung?" Sunoo comes rushing in the door looking exhausted from the day and evening events. I felt a little bad when I saw his soft features puffy with sleep deprivation, but I pushed that bit of guilt down. Now was not a time to feel bad, they had kept me uncomfortable all day, I was not going to feel bad for making them lose sleep.

"How are you feeling?" Sunoo asked as he made his way over to his friend's bed. I zone out as Jay walks in and joins their conversation, I couldn't be bothered with whatever nonsense they were speaking about.

I only came back to reality when the guard came back with two plates and glasses. He set one set on the table next to my bed before he set the next to Heeseung, who instantly grabbed it up and started eating. Once the guard was gone I side glanced at the food and feel my mouth water, it looked great.

I sigh with defeat as I grab the plate up, forget not showing them I was accepting something they offered, I was starving. Food was good no matter whom it came from.

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