Tuck tail.

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The trip east felt longer then what it was, everyone seemed to be in some kind of mood after having to travel so much. Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Heeseung treated me as usual, where's the others kept their distance. If they wanted to believe I worked for Ezra willing, then I would let them.

We were now a few hours from the Earth stones location and I was starting to grow anxious. What if Jay messed up my chance with another dragon? What if I really couldn't gain its trust and it killed us all?

So many thoughts and no way to get answers until it maybe to late.

I pat Max as a way to try and calm my nerves as Ni-ki checks the map once more, always making sure we were going the right way.

"About two more hours until we reach the location." He said as he folded the map up and placed it back in his breast pocket.

I pat my sword and then the other side of my waist to make sure all of my weapons were still in their places. I shoot Jay's back a look hoping he won't try and mess this up again, I didn't know how much I could take of the curse before it killed me, one dragons death was painful enough.

I hear a light laugh from beside me making me break my glaring contest with Jay's back.

"I'm glad looks can't kill." Sunoo said with a smile.

I quirk my brow and look straight ahead, not knowing what to say to him at the moment.

As the forest grew thicker so did the tension in the air, everyone kept glancing around making sure nothing was lurking in the undergrowth. Even the horses started to act on edge, feeling our unease did no good for them either. Max kept pivoting his ears back and forth as if he was listening for something.

"This is it?" I asked as I slide off of Max and let my boots hit the ground. In front of us was a group of close knitted trees and bushes, it was almost like a nest, with a small tunnel into the middle of it all, the deeper it went the darker it got.

"If the map is right, yes." Ni-ki said looking from the map and his compass to the mess infront of us.

Well, the map was right the last time, so why would it be wrong this time?

I grab Max and lead him to a nearby tree and tell him to stay here unless something goes wrong, I wouldn't tie him up this time because we had no one to watch over them, he knew to stay where I left him unless there was danger. I then turn back to the nest of tress and roll my shoulders a bit to try and ease the tension that was resting there.

"Everyone ready?" The king turns and looks us all over for a second.

Everyone agrees and takes a deep breath, no one was trying to hide they were at least a little worried about what we were heading into.

As we head in the lower ranking guards take up the front and rear once more, I felt bad for them, just because they were lower ranking meant they would die first, they all knew this yet, it was still sad knowing you only live to eventually die for someone else.

I push my way to the front, knowing if we came across a dragon then I needed to be the first to face it.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked as I pushed the lower guard behind me.

I throw a look over my shoulder before turning ahead once more, the trail was growing darker making it hard to see where we were going.

"If there is a dragon in here, I need to be the first one to meet it." I say as I try and watch where I was going. A spark behind me made me jump a little, but when I saw it was just a lamp being lit, I calmed down.

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