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I take a lamp from whoever was beside me, not bothering to see who it was, I just wanted to know what was making that sound.

I move the lamp around trying to find the source of the sound, the floor of the cave looked normal, no claw marks no creatures. I move from one side of the cave to the other looking over the walls, but again nothing was out of place.


I snap my hand up to block Jay's mouth as he went to question what I was doing. The look on his face was one of shock and angry.

"Listen." I whisper, there was no way they couldn't hear the sound. The sound was quite but still loud enough for my ears to pick up.

Everyone started looking around as they held their breath trying to find what I was hearing.

I then move the lamp up to try and see the ceiling, I had to squint my eyes, but there was something moving up there.

"Oh." Sunoo gasped as his eyes followed mine.

On the roof of the cave looked like hundreds of small creatures scurrying around up there, the light of the lamp reflected off of them as if they were made of water as well.

"What are those?" Sunghoon asked.

All heads were turned upwards as we watched the things move around, it seemed like the light from the lamp bothered them because everytime one would come into the light it would hurry away from it.

"Let's continue..." I say as there was no reason to keep standing there staring at them when they were to far away to see properly, they haven't attacked us yet, so maybe they would just stay up there away from the lamp light, whatever they were.

Now the air was once again thick with tension as the sounds of the creatures over head seemed to grow louder the deeper into the cave we got and if things couldn't get any more confusing, the cave now went off in two different directions.

"Now what?" I ask as my eyes go from one path to the other.

"Split up...?" Ni-ki offered looking up from the map, he didn't look to sure on what he was saying. "The map is only so detailed."

He was right, the map only offered us so much information on where the stone could be, it was close by here, but we just didn't know which way.

"But if we run into a dragon, what will we do?" Jungwon asked.

That was a good question, what would the group that I wasn't in do if they found a dragon?

Everyone went silent as we weighed the options, split up and cover more ground, risk running up on a dragon. Stay together and lose time.

A scream made me jump and reach for my sword, my heart leaping into my throat at the sudden sound.

"What?" I ask as no one was saying anything, but then my eyes catch sight of the person that had screamed. "Heeseung?"

The man was clinging to Jungwon with wide fearful eyes.

"Something was on my shoulder." He defended as his eyes scanned the floor looking for what was on him.

Just as I was going to lower the lamp a few hard objects hit the ground around us. I pull the lamp up to the ceiling and see pieces of rock falling away from the roof.

"Pick a tunnel, now." I say urgently as one of the bigger stalactites started to crumple. My eyes follow where the thing was about to fall. "Jay, move!"

But the one in danger didn't budge, so without thinking any farther I rush forward and knock the man off his feet just in time for the falling rocks to land where he had been.

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