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It's been two days since we came back to the castle, and we were still no where closer to finding the stone.

I grumble as I slam yet another useless book shut. My eyes scanning the empty library, I had skipped dinner to come look through more books.

Leaving the row of books I had been looking through since we got here, I move onto the next row. My eyes running over the spines, some were old and frail looking, while others looked like they had never been opened.

The oil lamp that sat on the table was slowly burning down, no sound could be heard other then the turning of the pages as my eyes scanned the words written on them.

There was nothing, nothing at all to give any kind of hint of where the stone could be.

I was growing angry, angry at myself for not knowing anything, angry at my father for being such a piece of shit, angry at my mother for not telling more then what she did before leaving me. I was angry at the world for throwing this on me.

I slam my fist on the table while pushing the book away from me. I was so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep and not wake up until it somehow fixed itself. But, life didn't work that way.

"Why don't you go to bed."

"Holy shit!" I scream while jumping up, the young king had scared the shit out of me.

He almost falls to the floor with laughter.

"Stop laughing." I cross my arms and sulk as he grips his knees to keep himself from falling over.

"I'm sorry, I figured you had heard me come in." He wiped at his eyes while he stood straight.

"I was busy." I defend while turning to place the books in stacks to be returned to their shelves or left for me to read in my room later.

"Let me help you." Jake said as he took the stack of books from me.

I say nothing as I lead the way to where I got them from, hanging the lamp from a hook so I could see where the books went.

"Can I show you something after you finish?"

"Depends, what is it?" I quirk a brow as I put the last book away, I grab the lamp and head back to the table that has been mine for two days now.

"I can't tell you."

"You remember how it went the last time you told me you couldn't tell me?" I hand him the lamp while I grab the books.

"Just trust me, I think you'll like it."

"And if I don't, I get to punch you in the gut?"


I can't help but laugh as I turn and set the books back down, I would see what he wanted to show me and then come back and get them.


He smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me after him.

I had to hide my smile when he turned back to look at me as he opened the library door.

"I really think you'll like it."

I felt something stir in my stomach as he spoke with a big smile, I don't really recall seeing him ever this excited for something.

"You better hope for your sake." I reply, I didn't want him to see how I was starting to feel excited too.

"Can you close your eyes?" He asked as we stopped infront of the door that led to the gardens.

"If you're trying to pull something slick-"

"Seori." He whined while leaning his head back.

"Good lord." I roll my eyes before shutting them tight. "What are you doing?"

Rough ☆ JakeWhere stories live. Discover now