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The trip back to the castle was quite and tense, the king even sleeping in the corner of the tent with his back to me.

I wondered if he realized he wasn't the only one affected by the news, it was my life after all that was going to be lost.

Death never really scared me, it was kinda something that was just always near. I didn't want to die, but I was never opposed to the idea. Now, now I didn't want to.

I guess since I was to die, then I might as well do what I could before that happened. No being sad about it, I would just live while I could.

I smile bitterly as I watch the kings back as we rode into the castle grounds. I had no idea why he was so mad, he was the one that acted as if it was me or the kingdom, it would be the kingdom when we had first met.

One person's sacrifice for a whole kingdom, I guess it was fair.

As soon as a stable hand took his horse he stormed into the castle, leaving everyone that had came out to meet us look at him and then me, confused.

I explain to them what happened as I got Max cleaned up and fed.

"You should try and talk to him." Sunoo said as he fiddled with some hay.

"He hasn't said a word to me since the witch told us. Why should I go to him?" I wasn't about to go to him again, this was foolish. I understood he had a lot on his shoulders, but everytime something happened he shut down and acted as if no one existed. That wouldn't fix anything.

"Jake... has a weird way of coping, he may not say it, but he needs someone. I think you're the best one to talk to him about it, you snap back when needed and he needs someone with a level head to get him back to senses."

I sigh as I set the water bucket down. "Fine, but don't get mad at me if he gets a black eye."

"I will find a different way though, we're not giving up on you this quick." Jay added.

"Let's just not get our hopes up." I call over my shoulder, the sooner we all accepted it, the better. The kingdom didn't have forever.


The old witch sighed as she knew someone was coming for her, and today was the day they would meet.

She was glad the king and the dragon protector had made it so soon, today would be her last day.

"No need in sneaking around, I know you're there." Won called out to the man sneaking around her house, trying to see if she was asleep so he  could attack her like the coward he was.

"So you're a real witch?" Gyu smirked as he walked in, his nose wrinkling from the looks of the witches hut. "Maybe dust a little."

"I'm not telling you what I told the king." The witch knew what was to come, but she wouldn't be the one to betray the young king.

Gyu pulled out his sword, swinging it a few times. "You have two options. Tell me where what you told them, or die."

The witch opened her arms, she would gladly take death, she only stayed alive to let Seori know what she needed to about the stone. There was so much she could still teach her about the dragons, but that knowledge would come to her a different way.

"Fine." Gyu let his anger take over, he couldn't understand how the witch wasn't spilling her guts about what she had told the king, any sane person would beg for their life. The witch, she just wanted death. "You really are a crazy bitch."

"You're the one that is crazy, power crazy."


"Go away!" The king yelled after I had knocked on his door.

Like I ever listen, I shrug as I push the door open with a bit more force then what was needed.

"I don't want to talk."

"That's fine, I like silence." I plop down on the edge of his way to big of a bed, it was much softer then mine.

I cross my legs and smile at the king who stood by the dead fire.

"Seori, I don't want to argue with you either."

"I think our arguments are quite entertaining." I pick at my nails as I continue to smile, I was getting on his nerves.

He stomped over and grabbed my arm, pulling me up.

My hand goes to his collar. "What are you going to do? Throw me out?" I dare him to try.

Instead of pulling me towards the door he let my arm go and cupped my face with his hands.

"Jake..?" My heart was racing and my hands were starting to grow sweaty. What was he thinking?

My eyes widen as my back goes stiff, he was kissing me...

It was a type of kiss I had never felt before, one that made me feel cherished.

My eyes close as my back relaxes, I bring my hands up and ball them into his shirt over his chest.

He takes a small step closer, brining our body as close as possible.

My head was spinning as he kept kissing me softly.

I had never had someone make me feel this way. Anytime another lips had been on me I had felt sick and disgusted. I had wanted to rip away and cut any piece of skin off they had touched, but this, it made me want to try and get even closer to him.

I never thought I would want someone to never stop kissing me, his lips were warm and soft, I felt something in the way he kissed me, like he was trying to explain his emotions through it.

He pulled away and placed our foreheads together.

"I'm sorry, I... I don't know how to tell you how much I care for you, Seori. It's been killing me."

"So you push everyone away when you care for them?"

"I'm sorry." He pulls me into his chest and leans his cheek on the top of my head. "I don't want to lose you, just when we were getting comfortable... just when I convinced myself to let you in."

"Do you want me to stay away?" I really didn't want him to say yes, I had fucked up and got to attached. I wanted to spend whatever time I had left enjoying it with them.

"No, I can't act like you're already gone. We have to find another way." He hugged me closer for a moment.

"I have to ask, what if there is no other way?"

I could feel him shake his head. I say nothing though, I didn't want to keep going at him, in the end he would just have to accept it.

"Would you lay with me for a while?"

I agree and let him pull me to his bed.

"Thank you." He said as he held me close to him.

I bite my lip to hold back the tears that were burning my throat, I would lose all of this too, just as convinced myself to let them all in, just when I was growing so attached.

"It's okay to cry."

I hit his arm, I knew he had felt my shoulders shake from trying not to cry.

He let out a chuckle as he started to rub my arm.

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