I warned him

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I curse as I pace my room that I had been forced back into by the king. I said every colorful name I could think of hoping the guards on the other side of my door heard it all.

A knock on my door causes me to stop and roll my eyes at the fact I could not be left alone for more then a few waking moments. "Who is it?"

A guard walked in and bowed his head a bit. "Sir Sunoo, would like to speak with you, ma'am."

I just nod my head letting him know that was fine, Sunoo was the only one I think I could actually have a real conversation with.

Sunoo walked in and thanked the guard who then walked out the door and shut it behind him.

"I heard his majesty showed you the tree..?" He asked as he walked over to the small table in the middle of the room and sat down.

"He did, yes..." I nod my head as I recall the image's the tree had showed me. I knew there was magic in this world, but I had never really experienced it first hand.

"What do you think of it all?"

"I don't know." I sigh as I walk to the table and take a seat across from him. "Sunoo, why won't they give me a choice in the matter?" Maybe I could get an answer from him.

"Ja- his majesty has a bad history that makes him prejudging to all women." Sunoo said as he ran a finger in a circle on the table, he looked like he didn't feel great talking about the king's past without his knowledge. "You see, once his mother found out about the curse, she ran. His majesty was only a boy when his mother left him and his father without a second thought. Then his fathers second wife only married him for status, she tried to kill him in his sleep, but Jake stopped her in time."

I was about to protest on how this had nothing to do with me, but then I realized I didn't like men because of what happened in my past. Still, I should be offered a chance.

"The king is really a sweet person, it's just buried because of how women had treated him and his father all his life. He's scared of women-don't let him know I said that." Sunoo let out a small laugh causing me to smile from how contagious his mood was. "He pushes them away and makes sure he always has the upper hand so he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt or used by a woman."

After hearing this, I guess the king's attitude made sense, but I would not sit back and let myself be treated like trash.

"Seori..?" I look up and hum. "Will you help us, please? You're the only one that can save this kingdom. I know, it's hard to work with the king and Jay, but please, once they see you're willing to help, their attitudes will change and you'll be able to see how sweet and caring they really are."

The desperation in Sunoo's eyes made my heart crack a little. Even if it seemed like Jay and Jake were nothing but pricks, at least this one was caring and actually asked me for help.

"Can I have time to think...?" I ask not expecting for him to agree.

"Of course." He reaches out and pats my hand with a smile. "Would you like some food, since you skipped breakfast?"


"I'll have a maid bring some up right away." He stands and heads for the door. "Thank you, for at least considering to help us." He said right before he stepped out the door.

Soon after a maid enters with a tray of food. I thank her as she bows and leaves. I sit down to eat as I think over everything that I had saw and what Sunoo had told me about the young king. A part of me understood why he would be against women, but even though I disliked the other sex with my whole being, I didn't prejudge them all. I kept my guard up, but I still had manners to the ones that showed me respect.

The king could at least have some manners and treat me as an equal, but women were never really seen as equals anyways.

I sigh as I push my plate away, I was finished and I couldn't help but think over the things the tree had shown me. The land really was cursed and the only way to save it was to use the dragon stones. I couldn't just walk away from this, not only were people dying, I was the last protector of any remaining dragons. Finding the stones would more then likely lead us to dragons as well and I would have to protect them.

I walk to my door and pull it open to speak with the guards that stood on either side of my door.

"I'm done eating and I would like to go see my horse in the stables." They shoot each other a look before one nodded and walked down the hall.

"He will go ask the king for permission." The one that was still by my door said.

I let out a dry laugh and walk straight out my door, I was not waiting on permission to see my own horse.

"Put me down!" I yell out as the guard picked me up from the back. "Put me down or you will regret it."

"I have orders to not let you out of your room without the kings per-" I cut him off by slinging my head back into his nose. I stumble forward as he stumbles back, hands to his nose as blood slipped through his fingers.

"I warned you." I say with a shrug before I turn and head down the hall to the stairs. To his luck he didn't try and stop me again, in fact I wasn't stopped until I had reached the front door of the castle.

"Where are you going?" I turn and see Heeseung and Sunghoon walking my way.

"To see Max." I say simply as I turn to open the front door.

"Alone? Did the king approve this?" Heeseung asked.

I roll my eyes as I let out a frustrated sigh. "No, the king did not approve, in fact once he sees what happened to the guard that told me to wait on his approval, he will probably lock me in my room." Both of their eyes shoot to the top of the stairs, the guard I had head butted was being looked at by a maid.

"What did you do?" Sunghoon asked the question this time.

"I warned him to let me go, he didn't." Done talking to them I pull the door open and walk out, not worrying to check and see if someone was following me.

"Hold up!" I ignore them as I keep walking toward the stables, I want to see my horse and I was going to do so no matter if they wanted me to or not.

"You can't just go around busting peoples nose's for doing their job's."

I stop and turn on my heel almost making them run into me. "And they can't just go around man handling me when all I want to do is see my horse." I look between the both of them for a second to see what they had to say next.

"If you would have waited I'm sure the king would have said yes and sent someone with you." Heeseung said.

"See the thing is, I don't wait on a man's approval." With that I turn and continue to my destination. I could hear that they were still following me, but I didn't care at this point. If they want to waste their time making sure I don't leave, I would let them. I had no plans on escaping now, people needed me, I may not like the king or most of his guards, but I would not let innocent people die if there is a way for me to stop it.

"Max!" I smile and pick up my speed when I see Max out in a small pen next to the stables. I let out a whistle when I see he didn't hear me call his name. He picked his head up immediately and came trotting over. "Hey." I reach out and pet his head, feeling my temper wash away now that I was with my friend.

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