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Princess Inara, was actually a pleasant person to be around, she talked most of the time about her garden and how she was learning how to paint and sew as well. To me she seemed like a normal young girl.

Our time was spent laughing and talking about our childhoods, of course I had to lie about my background, I could not let her know what I had actually went through as a young girl or else my cover would be blown and the kings as well.

"Excuse me," One of Inara's maids says in a timid voice while giving us a bow. "Your father has went to bed and he request you get some sleep as well, princess."

Inara sighs as she sets her glass down. "Of course." She says with a small smile towards me.

As she stands I go to my feet as well, I knew the princess had drunk a lot so I was ready to catch her if she falls- which she almost did.

"I'm sorry." She giggled as I caught her from falling to  the floor.

"It's okay." I say as I try and push her back up right, but she had other ideas.

She placed her lips right next to my ear making me freeze. "Don't come looking for the king... He is going to be busy."

I jerk back after she placed a light kiss on my cheek, my eyes wide with disbelief. Her smile was normal and well controlled.

"Thank you for catching me, I would hate to embarrass myself infront of the kings future wife."

I say nothing as her maid walks over and grabs her elbow to support her, but I could tell she didn't need help, she could walk fine on her own, it was an act.

I look around and try to figure out what just happened, but my mind drew up blank as I tried to figure out why she would say that.


She was going to try something with the king and by the way she spoke, it wasn't innocent.

I pace my room as I tell myself that there was no reason for me to worry. I take a sip of the wine that I had requested to my room after the princess had left, I figured while I was in the castle I could drink with no worries of someone trying to steal the stones, but really I was set off by what Inara had said. Why was I set off about it? Was it because it was my roll to act as if we were really together, or was it something more?

Another sip of wine and I start to feel angry at the fact the princess had been acting so sweet and kind and at the fact she had the guts to tell me to do something, she doesn't know me, I don't listen to anyone.

I set the wine down after another long swig and head for the door, I had to admit if I was sober I would probably not be doing this, but alcohol was good liquid stupidity, because what I was doing was flat out stupid. But, my steps did not stop until I reached the kinds doors, I drew up a little short when I took notice that there were no guards outside of the kings door.

I bring my hand up and knock before I could think twice about it, my head was dizzy from the wine and my thoughts were fuzzy, but my body seemed to know what it was doing just fine.

"Your highness, it's me." I say and wait.

After I hear nothing for a few seconds I decide that he must be asleep, but just as I was about to leave I hear something inside his room fall. I snatch the door open before I can tell myself that it was a bad idea.

"Are you-" It was indeed a very bad idea.

The king was laid out on the floor with his shirt open exposing his torso, but that wasn't what made my eyes widen, it was the girl ontop of him in a simple night gown.

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