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"I told the king I was fine." I look at Sunghoon through the mirror as a seamstress takes my measurements. I really didn't need clothes that fit precisely, but the seamstress insisted on making sure everything fit me perfectly.

"I know, but the king insist." Sunghoon sighed as he sat at the table in my room. "I'm just doing my job, you going to break my nose too?" He looked at me through the mirror and cracked a small smile.

I shrug earning a small glare from the seamstress as she was trying to measure my arm. "If I warn you to back off, better listen."

"All done, dear. I'll have you some clothes before you all leave tomorrow morning." I give a bow to the seamstress and thank her as she leaves.

"Now, can I just have a look and I'll leave as well." Sunghoon asked as he stood up.

"Fine." I step down from the small stool the seamstress had me stand on, pulling the shoulder of my dress down to show him my wrapped wound. I pull the wrapping off so he could see the wound.

He walks closer and looks over the front of it before stepping behind me and looking at where the arrow had entered. My back went stiff as I felt his finger brush below where the arrow had entered.

"What are these other scars from..?"

My eyes widen a fraction as I forgot about those scars, it had been over 5 years since I had last received a lashing from Hayoon. I tried so hard to forget about those days, I guess it worked well until now.

"An old child accident." I lie, no one had to know about what had happened before.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, making me worry a bit. Why? I have no idea, I shouldn't be worried about what any of them thought.

"I'm going to put a bit of ointment on it to help with scarring.. if that's fine, of course?"


I wait as he walks back over to the table where he had a bag set, full of medical supplies I suppose. And I was right as he pulled a small jar and new bandages out of it.

"This maybe a little cold." He warned before he took a bit of the honey colored ointment, swiping a bit on the front of my shoulder, then the back before he wiped his hand and started to wrap my shoulder back up.

"The wound looks in good condition, almost completely healed." Sunghoon said as he placed his stuff back in his bag. "I suggest applying this ointment once a day to prevent bad scarring."

"Okay." Is all I say back, not really concerned about scarring, but I just wasn't up for saying much else now that old memories were slowly coming back. I push them down telling myself now was not the time for this.

"Someone will come and retrieve you when dinner is ready." Sunghoon picked his bag up, but paused. "Do try to not hurt anymore guards, I hate working on broken nose's, makes any grown man turn into a baby."

"Noted." I nod to him.


The next morning I look through the clothes the seamstress and some other maids had made for me. Most were pretty basic, matching well with the royal guards usual uniform. White under shirt with a navy blue doublet coat, gold colored buttons and detailings. Different colored pants ranging from black, dark brown, and white. There were a few other colored shirts as well, black and brown, but more white then any. And to finish it off, knee high boots.

I was used to wearing civilian clothes, these outfits were a bit intimidating if I were being honest. I wasn't used to the dressing up and looking formal, I was used to wearing whatever kept me warm and covered the best, while also being able to move. I didn't want to wear the fancy clothes, but I figured since we were going to a swamp, I better save the darker colors for then.

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