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I flatten the skirt to my dress one more time before I head for the door, the king and princess of Gojoseon would be here soon.

"Lady Seori."

I turn in surprise, down the hallway coming my way was Sunghoon.

"What did you call me?" I ask shocked that he would speak so formally out of no where.

Sunghoon stopped right infront of me and raised a brow as the corner of his mouth tugged into a smile. "I called you, 'Lady Seori'?"

"Why?" I cross my arms and shift my weight to one foot as I wait on his answer.

"If you're 'courting' the king, then we have to speak to you formally as well."

"Oh." I let my arms fall as I turn and walk along side him towards the entrance hall where we would be greeting the king and princess.

It felt odd being called formally by the men I've been working along side for the past few weeks, most the time we talk causally or I get talked down too, which I was used too, being talked to as if I had status was weird even if it was all fake.

"Wait, that means Jay has to speak formally to me as well?" I turn my head and look up at Sunghoon with a knowing smile.

"Yes, all of us guards have too." Sunghoon sent me a look as I laughed, this was going to be so good. "Please, don't give him a hard time."

"Oh, I won't. It will just be funny hearing him speak to me with some respect, though it's fake he's still going to hate every second of it."

The smile on my face stayed there as we met the others by the front doors. I shoot Jay a wink as he bows along with the others to me.

Honestly I felt odd having them all bow to me, other then Jay, the tick in his jaw showed how much he wanted to bite an insult out at me, but he couldn't until this was all over. Two days of being an annoying ass to him with a free pass, maybe this fake ordeal wasn't all too bad.

"Seori." I turn to Jake and step beside him to take up my roll as 'his lady'. It felt odd standing there with my hands held folded infront of me, hair done in a half updo, the smell of perfume strong on my skin from the spray the maids used on me, my feet clad in slippers instead of my usual boots, all of it was odd.

We all head out once we get a call from a lower guard letting us know their carriage had just arrived.

I almost jump from my skin when Jake grabbed my hand to help me down the steps, like a gentleman would do. But, I held it together and offer him a small smile to make sure if anyone looked it seemed like I appreciated the gesture.

Jake pulls me to stand a few feet away from the carriage door as the other kings footman comes around and sets down a stepping stool before opening the door, he holds a hand out for the king to grab.

The king steps down and thanks the man before turning to us. "Your young highness, how are you?" The old gray haired man asked as he walked over and grabbed up Jakes hand giving it a nice shake as they exchange words of greetings.

"And who's this?" He then turns to me with a bright smile.

"Lady Min, meet the king of Gojoseon. Sir, Alonso."

My fake surname for the time being would be, Min. I did not know where Jake had gotten the name, but I knew it wasn't safe to give out my given name so I didn't protest during our short morning meeting where we went over a few small details.

I give a curtsy and greet the king politely.

"Oh, don't be so stiff darling, I'm just an old man, really!" King Alonso said as he stroked his gray beard.

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