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Nina, who had spent the few minutes distracted by the beautiful minimalist interior of the Avengers Compound, turn around in an instant the moment those words left Tony Stark's lips.

Tony couldn't blame her for gawking at the interior, though. This was the first time that she had walked out of that dammed hospital room in three days of residing at the compound.

After Nina was brought into the Med-Bay and after her vocal chords were fully treated by a very attractive doctor named Helen Cho, a man named Rupert (he told her to call him Rhodey, she refused) informed her that both Illiana and Samara Viotto were both given life sentences to the Raft - a super maximum security prison for super-powered criminals located near Ryker's Island, NY. Prisoners have no contact with the outside world, and they never return to it.

He also told her that Valeria was gone. Just gone. When S.H.I.E.L.D raided their penthouse, all was left was a note on a table - a note stored in her pocket due to the fact that she hadn't gotten a chance to read it.

"You're joking, right?" the girl questions, finding it hard to believe that he actually saw this coming when she herself would've never thought that there'd be a day that she'd betray her family like this - a betrayal so deep that she shattered a family legacy into a million pieces as she did so.

"I am." Tony dropped the whole 'proud-mentor' act and decided to be plain honest, realization that the girl was nothing like Peter dawning upon him. "I was fully convinced that you were running off to your mom and I had S.H.I.E.L.D on the phone ready to get you and your family locked down, but you surprised me."

"I surprised myself," Nina retaliated, walking along the white tiles - where were they even heading off to? "Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd get my mo— Illiana arrested. Well, until I found out that she tried to get me killed."

"I guess I was right. The mommy issues were severe."

Nina shot him a warning look, giving no fucks that this was Tony Stark she was glaring at - renowned billionaire. Plus, to be fair, she still technically disliked the man.

"To soon?"

"Way too soon." Nina grumbled - although it was technically a big, fat lie. No matter how much she forced herself to, she couldn't feel anything towards her mom. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing and it scared Nina because she should've felt something. No matter how much Illiana had made her life a living hell, she had always loved her - and now she couldn't feel anything. It was all gone in a snap.

"Anyways, I'm surprised. You did the right thing." Tony quickly changed the subject, sitting down on a white table. He's about to tell the girl to take a seat, thinking that she'd wait for permission, but Nina quickly sits across the man without waiting for anything.

LIAR, LIAR. Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now