act two. build me up buttercup

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❝although you're untrue, i'm attracted to you all the more — why do i need you so? ❞

ACT TWO: PRE-INFINITY WAR - ENDGAME❝although you're untrue, i'm attracted to you all the more — why do i need you so? ❞

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IT'S BEEN ONE YEAR. One year after Nina started helping Tony out with taking down as many HYDRA bases as they could after extracting the truth out of Illiana - before giving the project to SHIELD due to Fury's demands a mere week ago. One year after her oldest sister and her mother were sent to the Raft and were set to serve life sentences. One year since she moved into Queens. One year since she's became an honorary Avenger. One year after she's last seen Samara, and one whole year after she's saved Peter Parker's life.

But most importantly, one year. Three hundred and sixthy five days. Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes- the time that had passed after Nina realized that she, in fact, liked Peter Parker.

Hence, why it's been a year of avoiding him at all costs.

Sure, it was a little hard, considering that Tony had him stick around her for a little while to keep her in check - not to mention the fact that they would bump into each other during patrols every so often and they went to the same school; but that problem was solved when Nina had marched up to the school registrar during the first day of her junior year, and forced him to change all her classes to ensure that she shared no periods with Peter.

Which led them to now. The first day of October - a year after she's last eaten honey butter chips. Nina's hair was longer - and she decided to dye it fully blonde instead of the terrible brown hair that looked like it had streaks of peanut butter in them, muscles now more defined after spending several days in the compound training with a bunch of holograms. Her skin is better, glowing, actually - and maybe it was because of the talks she's spent with the floating robot (his name was Vision) that somehow, eased her throughout this whole thing.

And, to Betty Brant's surprise, made her less of a bitch (she still was, though.)

A loud bang echoes throughout her apartment, followed by the sound of footsteps thrashing around the room. "Vision is looking for you right now at the compound. Something about a 'talking session'?" Tony Stark's booming voice calls out. "You know I can buy you a therapist, right?"

The girl grumbles, ignoring the look Matthew's sending her way. Sure, it had dawned upon her that Tony Stark being her legal guardian was still a secret she needed to keep - but she could just erase his memory later. Easy peasy.

"Happy's at the car outside. Let's go. Vamanos!" The billionaire exclaims, walking into the room with a very fidgety Peter Parker. He has a fork on his hand, for some fucking reason.

"Okay... what's he doing here, then?" Nina grumbles, glancing at the boy right behind him. Nina hasn't seen him in weeks, and yet, the fluttering sensation in her stomach was stronger than ever.

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