five. calm before the storm

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NORMALLY, RECOVERING FROM accidentally whimpering someone else's name in the middle of a make-out session would be hard, but Nina had supernatural powers, and the moment Matty pulled away, eyes wide in shock and confusion, her eyes glowed a bright...

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NORMALLY, RECOVERING FROM accidentally whimpering someone else's name in the middle of a make-out session would be hard, but Nina had supernatural powers, and the moment Matty pulled away, eyes wide in shock and confusion, her eyes glowed a bright white - and two seconds after that, he couldn't remember a single thing.

That happened a week ago. To everyone else, that moment never happened; life went on - Matty was acting normally, bringing her the iced coffee and bagel combo every morning before school started, Alaska, who was seriously starting to steal the title for being Nina's favorite person was being the baddest bitch as usual, and Betty continued to walk with her to Delmar's three times a week after school.

But to Nina, that moment replays in her head again and again like an annoying broken record.

It was killing her.

She should've gotten over Peter now, right? It's been a year. She avoided him. She did her part. She forced herself to not think of him (although that ideal made her seem to think of him more that usual) But no ounce of her brain could fathom why the girl couldn't let go of that stupid crush on him.

Sure, she saved him once, but besides that, Peter was nothing to her - so why on earth was she so hung up on the curly haired boy? There was nothing special about him; honestly, she should be enamored by Alaksa by now because Betty was right - she was definitely her type and was probably the most attractive person Nina knew - so why Peter?

It was weird because the annoyance towards the boy was still there; whenever she'd pass by him in her strip spot, a surge of annoyance would pass through her due to the fact that she had to compromise something that was hers for him. When Tony would talk about him whenever she passed by the compound, he annoyed her due to the fact that the older man was completely mesmerized by his science skills and there she was - Midtown High, a high school meant for gifted and talented students in STEM, yet Nina was unable to open her phone at times because she would deem them too high tech. When she'd hear Matty gush about him due to the fact that he was in the robotics club with Peter, she'd feel a surge of anger.

It wasn't as prominent as before - when she would literally lose her mind over any mention of Peter, but even though Nina now tolerated him and considered them to be on okay terms, there's a small, inkling part of her that was still annoyed at him.

Was it normal? Was she normal? Okay, maybe the latter question was redundant. But the first...

That morning, Nina remembers turning around towards where she knows Peter's locker is at - she's caught him staring a bit too much times, and the irony of it all almost made her laugh; there she was, taking in his appearance: his brown hair with the smallest curls, big honey eyes talking to one of his friends (was it Michelle?) animatedly, and his wonky eyebrow that Nina always wanted to smooth down so it'd look like the other one.

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