six. happy birthday

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A DAY PASSES BY. Then a week. Then a month. There are more sightings of Samara and Illiana, but they had moved onto California, picking their victims from the west. The deaths were quick, efficient, and clean - all dying without a trace of blood in them.

In New York, however, Nina is the happiest she's ever been for a while. When she was fearing for her life, fearing for Samara's attacks, everything seemed black when she looked around, except that one spot of light above her than shined when she reunited with her mother.

That's where she wants to be – in the light. Spending time with her parents, her friends, and Peter made her realize that she doesn't want to be down in the dark anymore. It's suffocating and it's killing her and she doesn't want that.

So, she decides to move on.

SHIELD were doing their best in terms of trying to catch Samara and Illiana, and the fact that they're so far away from her calms her down a bit. Nina spent the last month at school, taking up extra curriculars to prepare for college applications, showing up at her job three times a week, going on weekly trips with Morgan to the playground, (Happy watches, of course), and, she even convinced her parents to let her go on that European trip their school was offering for them to attend.

But then came the day she dreaded: the 19th of June, a Saturday morning accompanied with the best weather New York has ever seen in a while.

As she blinked, eyes adjusting to the rays of sunlight that flew in through her glass window, she recalled of birthdays gone by. In Illiana's care, they never really had birthdays since no one knew when exactly they were born, but she took dibs on September 1st, despite her actually birthday being four months earlier.

The first 'birthday' she remembered was her third birthday. Of all the things that might have happened that day, the one clearly preserved memory was Illiana force feeding her mashed potatoes until she threw up on her high chair.

The next one she could also remember was her eight birthday - a year after Illiana flipped a switch and stopped attempting to turn them into a little family. Nina had grabbed a cupcake from the fridge and ate it, thinking that it was for herself, and got rushed into a HYDRA bunker and got treated by a bunch of evil doctors since apparently, those cupcakes were laced with poison and the effects were fast. She spent the whole day attached to an I.V line and a oxygen mask.

And the year she turned fifteen was the year that she discovered her powers that had literally turned her life around - and that morning, despite the wonders her powers gave her, was traumatic as well. She had been in a huge argument with Valeria and had told her, in the exact words, "I hope you break your legs and piss yourself." and it had happened instantly, which, was too overwhelming for a girl who thought she had been powerless all her life.

That started her irrational fear of birthdays - and she hasn't tried to celebrate it ever since.

So on the morning of her seventeenth birthday, she wasn't really expecting anything. Maybe a greeting from her mom and dad, but that was it. Alaska and Betty know about her new birthday, as well as Peter after seeing one of her files back at Stark Industries, but as far as she knew, no one else knew.

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