sixteen. the big one

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THE FIRST THING NINA HEARS IS THE SOUND OF SOMEONE SCREAMING HER NAME. Nina. Nina. Nina. It starts off cloudy, hazy - like she was in a dream within a dream; that is, until she starts to recognize the high-pitched voice, which for a second thought was a girl, was actually Peter.

"Kid, she's waking up?"

"Her eyes are closed! How would you know that?" although there was no malicious intent to his question, the girl, who had just been attacked by Samara (probably) felt her suspicions grow at Quentin. Peter was right; how did he know that? She was still lying limp on the floor, no signs of waking up, eyes shut... or maybe she was just over-analyzing things.

She can do that later. Right now, she needed to warn everyone.

It's comical how Nina opens her eyes, so quick that it sends Peter jumping back in surprise. But what's even quicker is the way that she stands up, eyes darting towards every corner she could see with her eyes, only set on finding two people.

But she doesn't see Samara or Illiana. She doesn't feel them either, despite her best efforts to find them. She knows they're there, somewhere, but it feels like her senses are somehow dampened like there's a blanket on top of her stopping her from operating properly.

It's weird. A fucking puzzle. Her powers had been perfectly fine and normal before all this... before -

Nina snaps her head back at the sound of footsteps, already losing her train of thought when she sees Fury, Hill, and Dmitri walk out of their cars, parked at the back of the plaza. Maria and Dimitri get going normally, but Fury approaches the three of them with a blank look on his face. Nina has sort of given up on trying to decipher his emotions at this point.

"So it's over?" Maria questions, brushing over the fact that one of her team members had temporarily gone blind and lost her consciousness.

"That was the last of them," Beck confirms, sounding relieved.

"But not the last threat we'll ever face." Nick Fury interjects, also brushing over the fact that Nina was just injured. "We need to stay vigilant. There's a void in this world for someone like you. Hill and I are going to Europol headquarters in Berlin tomorrow. You should join us."

Pushing himself to his feet, Beck shakes Fury's hand. "Thank you. I just might take you up on that."

Next, the man turns toward the two teens, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of Nina latching onto Peter's arm, eyebrows scrunched up together - a clear indication that she's deep in thought. This time, she's staring at Beck, and Peter can clearly see the gears in her brain working.

"You two have gifts," Fury begins in a warning tone, "But you didn't want to be here."

"Mr. Fury, I..."

"Stopping mid-fight, putting all those lives at risk-"

When his condescending tone is directed at her, Nina returns the glare, putting her thoughts on pause. She'll get back to them later. "I lost my consciousness, you idiot. Samara is here - she's somewhere here and doing something but I don't know what it is... but this situation is weird and I'm a hundred percent sure that she has something to do with it."

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