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TONY HAD A CONCLUSION TO WHAT NINA AND PETER WERE; one was an inventor, and another one was a leader

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TONY HAD A CONCLUSION TO WHAT NINA AND PETER WERE; one was an inventor, and another one was a leader.

Peter was obviously an inventor. The organic webbing that Peter has created using his scientific formulas has been the most useful invention that he has ever made - it's saved him countless times and has a variety of ways in which it can be very purposely used and doing that at the age of fourteen made Tony realize just how smart the boy was; and how he'd probably make a huge name for himself with the right guidance and the right tools.

But Nina - she was a leader. Attention is the most important currency that anybody can give you. It's worth more than money, possessions or things and to Nina, it was natural; whenever she'd enter a room, all heads would turn. When she opens her mouth, everyone listens.

And her confidence - Tony always noted that confidence in himself is important to earn the confidence of the subordinates. He should be trustworthy and should handle the situations with full will power; sometimes, he feels like he lacks in that department... but confidence? Confidence was her number one specialty and it still shocked him at times how a five-foot-six teenage girl could exclude such a quality.

Once, when he was all out of it and concussed, he had accidentally slipped his plans for the two, specifically, Stark Industries, to Pepper. It was a bit far fetched, stretching way into the future, but Tony liked to plan ahead - after all, with his current gimmick as Iron Man, no one knows when shit would hit the dust.

That's why he always wanted the two to get along ever since he fully accepted Nina's presence (which took a solid five months) - there was nothing he wanted more for the two to finally get along.

So, despite the impending doom of half of the universe disappearing, he feels a warmth spread onto his chest at the sight of Nina making a bunch of hand gestures animately with a serious expression while Peter, who's eyebrows are furrowed together in concentration, listens.

While he doesn't know what exactly the two are talking about, sitting on a spare rock while everyone does their own shit, he feels a sort of relief at the fact that maybe - just maybe, they're finally getting along.

It only took a year and three months, but he's happy it happened.

"So let me get this straight," Peter, a few meters away from Tony, repeats. "Your parents are immortal beings who thought you died but then they saw a newspaper with you on it so they came back and have been living with you ever since?"

Nina hid a few details. That being the fact that her parents were Eternals - and all that bullshit about Deviants she still hasn't understood until now but Peter understood the gist of it.

"They don't live with me. At least, not officially," Nina explained, the tint of red never leaving her cheeks. "My mom," Mom sounded so right, "— you heard Mantis. She always has business in other planets and my dad," Dad also sounded so right, "Has a village in the Amazon, so they usually disappear for a few days but they always come back."

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