eleven. hell is a teenage girl

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PETER WAS BEING A LITTLE SHIT. He wouldn't admit it, but he was being a little shit but there was no reason for him to not enjoy it, right?

It was a bit funny, after all. Nina Viotto had the most self efficient, independent, judgmental, I-don't-need-anyone attitude he'd ever seen in his life (and he was born and raised in New York, so that was saying something) and yet here the girl was, heartbeat jackhammering in her chest whenever she'd be within a five meter radius of him.

Now, Peter would like to consider himself a humble person. That's what his Aunt May thought him; that being humble was a virtue he needed to keep no matter how successful he's gotten; but whenever he'd hear Nina's erratic heartbeat, he couldn't help but feel just a little smug.

To be fair, this was the most reaction he's ever gotten from the handful of crushes he's gotten; so sue him is he's just having a little fun.

In the midst of actively avoiding Peter, Nina had found herself standing right beside Tony once the two of them were caught up in the whole situation; the girl was sure that the story he had told them was a bit too oversimplified, but she understood the gist of what went on.

"You should've stayed on Earth," Tony grumbled for what had felt like the hundredth time, ignoring the way Nina's eyes rolled. "My guess is that they're all meeting up down there - probably preparing for battle or something."

"Well suck it up - I'm here." Nina shot, growing annoyed by the fact that Tony kept complaining. She was in space - there was nothing they could do anymore. "And you said that there's a battle here too, right? So what's all the fuss for?"

"The battle on Earth would probably be way bigger and more complicated than what we're about to face," Tony explained, eyeing the camera that showed the outside portion of the ship. "That's where your element is. In the battlefield. You'd be so much more help if you were with them and weren't here - that's what I planned for you, Nina."

"Planned?" The girl repeats with a raised brow, "What does that even mea—"

"You were supposed to stay close to Banner and fix the whole situation at Earth. I sent him an alert once I told FRIDAY to open those parachutes up and told him that my best agent would be helping him sort this shit out," his fingers are massaging his temples, "And now I've got you stuck here and your really scary mother will probably kill me if we ever get back."

"She won't kill you," Nina assured him, the corner of mer mouth twitching as a memory of Nikaia pos up in her head. "It's my father you should be wary of."

The small sense of normalcy was enough to make Tony smile, "I've never met the guy. What's he like?"

"He's like me," Nina tells him proudly, "Well, imagine me but twenty times more cocky and annoying. But he's admittedly much more of a pacifist than me so there's that."

LIAR, LIAR. Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now