thirteen. fine line

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NINA WAS AN ARROGANT GIRL. It was a very known fact to everyone who knew her and her alter ego Mendax. Her friends knew that she had way too much confidence in herself and her abilities; like that time that she joined the school's very random hotdog eating fair since the girl was fully convinced that she could beat the longtime winner Ian Kang (she did) and or that time she joined a 12th grade math class thinking she'd ace the material in a day because a random freshman made a comment about her being an airhead (she dropped the class in two days.)

For a long time, Nina was convinced she could do anything. Maybe it was because there was a part of her still detached to reality despite all the shit reality has thrown at her, but Nina was confident in herself. Really fucking confident too.

So it takes everyone, especially Tony, in surprise as Nina shakes her head once the plan was explained to the kids in thorough detail, eyebrows scrunched together in indifference. "No. I can't do that."

Tony clears his throat. Surely, his interpreting this the wrong way, right?

"Nina, I don't care if you don't wanna do it. The entire universe is at stake here—"

"I'm not saying I don't wanna do it," Nina whispers hastily, voice now way softer than it initially was. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest as she eyes their companions for a while, before she sighs and leans closer to Tony so he's the only person who could hear her. "I can't do it. I can't."

"What was that?"

Nina takes in a deep breath, forcing herself to turn around and raise her voice. It was like bitchy boy wizard was urging her to embarrass herself; but even Nina knew that there was too much at stake to keep her thoughts to herself. "I can't do it. I can't immobilize a Titan."

Quill furrows his eyebrows, "But they said you killed the—"

"Yeah, well, he isn't a giant grape with Infinity Stones so I don't know what you're trying to say," Nina cut him off with a glare, "All I'm saying is that trusting me with the responsibility of immobilizing him is a bad idea. If I'm gonna do it, I'll need someone. I can't do it alone."

Mantis, who's a few meters away beside Peter and Drax shyly raises her hand, "I can help you."

"See?" Nina pointed at Mantis, a somewhat grateful smile adorning her features as she glances back at Quill. "She can help me. Her sitting back 'looking for threats' is a terrible idea. I mean, seriously. It baffles me how you're still alive considering there's so much shit coming out of your mouth."

The surprise is evident on Quill's face. More so when his mouth opens as if to say something, but then it shuts close, and instead, his wide eyes catches Tony's, who has a somewhat proud smile on his face.

"She's a little mouthy." The billionare stated, complete with the underlying cheekiness of his tone.

Peter, who watches the whole thing beside his two new companions a few meters away, tries to stop the way his mouth itches to curl upwards.

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