sixteen. jealousy, jealousy

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RIGHT AFTER THE OMINOUS MESSAGE, her family straight up ghosts her

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RIGHT AFTER THE OMINOUS MESSAGE, her family straight up ghosts her. Nina had tried calling Valeria right after she sent it, but there was nothing. Then she tried ringing up Samara, but there was nothing. She even tried calling Illiana's personal number that was strictly meant for life and death situations, nothing.

Her family is going to be the death of her.

The girl curses violently as she takes another crunch out of her honey butter chips Samara had left for her - she knew exactly why she kept on eating and eating, but she couldn't bring herself to stop.

Her family is stressing her out too much.

The girl keeps chewing and chewing as she continued to press the call button - why was Valeria like this? She leaves Nina with weird ominous messages and disappears?

When it goes to voicemail for what had felt like the hundredth time, Nina clears her throat, trying to sound as sane as possible. "Valeria, call me back. You can't just say shit like that and disappear - I have to retake my Mandarin Quiz tomorrow and I can't focus! Call me back."

At 2 am, she finds herself still wide awake, this time, munching on a box of chocolate chip cookies she found in their pantry. It felt like there were cold spiderlike fingers racing up and down her spine as she sat on the horns of her dilemma, eyes never leaving her phone.

Samara hasn't called her. Valeria hasn't called her. Illiana hasn't called her.

There was an ache in her belly telling her something was wrong - that something was going to happen to her and she couldn't fall asleep even if she tried. At 5am, Nina was chewing on her bottom lip as she watched the New York streets prepare for rush hour, lost in thoughts of dire consequence.

She shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have provoked her mother. She shouldn't have left her fucking house. She should've waited for them to come back home and do something that was so inexplicably against Illiana's ideologies.

By 6 am, Nina drank three cups of milk to calm herself down. No one has responded to her. No one called her back. No one texted her.

You know those special effects in movies when the character is moving in slow motion, but their surroundings are racing past them? That's what it's like. It almost feels like Nina's mind is stuck on vibrate and she couldn't calm it down.

Every creak, every sound, every maid that passes through makes her jolt up in surprise and unease, her brain somehow thinking that it had to do something with Valeria's text.

By seven-thirty, she's lost her mind. It feels like there's water sloshing in her stomach, and she can feel it crashing around, hitting all sides, changing in intensity, getting worse and worse.

Nina pinched the bridge of her nose, pacing around in front of her school. The girl had asked her driver, Andrew, to park behind the school where no one can see her since she looks like a nervous wreck, hands threatening to shake as she spoke into her phone.

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