Chapter 1

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Author's POV :
Somewhere in the middle of the battlefield stood two kings with looks of rage and hatred for each other.
"Why are you doing this? and what do you want? " were the questions asked by King Minjun to his rival King Hyunwoo. He wanted to find the reason behind the wars which took the lives of thousands of his people several times. He wanted to know the reason behind his people's misery. He wanted to know the reason behind several wars that took place without him knowing the reason for.
Hyunwoo did not answer, instead swung his sword which slashed through Minjun's arm making him bleed and groan in pain. Minjun looked at Hyunwoo with rage in his eyes as he attacked the other with his sword.Soon the fierce sound of the two kings' swords clashing could be heard. After a long time of attacking and defending..hyunwoo attacked Minjun's leg making him fall to the ground..Hyunwoo stepped on Minjun's chest, not allowing him to stand then pierced his sword through the others heart. Minjun screamed in pain and a few tears of sadness rolled down his cheeks realizing that his time of departure is nearer than he thought. Hyunwoo knelt beside his long time rival as he whispered to him " I am sorry Minjun but for my plan to succeed and for the sake of my kingdom, u have to die " Minjun looked at him with a pained expression as he finally closed his eyes and took his last breath. Hyunwoo sighed as he stood up and turned around. He spared the dead body a last glance before walking away from it. Hyunwoo then ordered for the war to stop.


A/N - The chapters won't be too long. Hope you liked the chapter~♥~
Take care❤

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